10 Signs A Married Man Wants To Cheat With You - Olubunmi Mabel

Married men cheating is a tale as old as time itself. 

So, it is not surprising to find a married man wanting to step out. 

However, how do you know you are the one he wants to step out with; that’s what this article addresses.

Find below the signs a married man wants to cheat with you.

1. He Makes Time For You

Signs a Married Man Wants to Cheat with You

When someone has feelings for you, they will make time for you and won’t even see it as a sacrifice because they enjoy being around you. 

So, a married man who wants to cheat with you will make time for you to spend time with you, check on you, and be there for you when you need him to. 

Now, there’s nothing wrong with a married man lending a hand of help when needed, especially if you are friends, colleagues, and so on. 

However, going out of his way to be there for you might signify that he has feelings for you and wants to date you. 

If he starts canceling appointments or traveling long distances to see you, chances are his feelings for you are not platonic. 

2. He Initiates Conversations

A married man who wants to be with you will look for every opportunity to talk to you because he wants to spend time with you. 

You will notice that he always finds his way to you when you are in the same vicinity and initiates conversations. 

He will bring up different topics to discuss just to be around you. 

Additionally, he will genuinely want to hear your opinion on things to gauge if he has a chance. 

He will want to know how you feel about infidelity in marriage and if you can excuse him if he makes his move. 

3. He Compliments You Incessantly 

Signs a Married Man Wants to Cheat with You

A compliment here and there is not out of place, especially among people who have built a form of friendship or are friendly. 

Therefore, a married man telling you that you look nice or complimenting a new hairdo does not automatically mean he wants anything from you. 

However, constant compliments over the most random thing is suspicious. 

Even romantic partners do not compliment each other that much because there is no need to.

They don’t have to come up with a new compliment to make us feel good about ourselves because we are both secure in the relationship. 

But a married man who wants to be with you will want to endear himself to you, and truthfully, because he sees you with rose-colored glasses at that point, everything you wear, do, or say will seem perfect. 

So, for such a man, you will have the perfect smile, beautiful hairdo, amazing presentation, a good set of teeth, nice nails, lovely walk, etc.

Practically everything will be complimented when a married man wants to cheat with you.

4. He Shows Interest In Your Love Life

We already established that married men who want to cheat with you will create opportunities to talk to you. 

One of the conversations they will often bring up is your love life. 

Again, discussing your love life doesn’t mean he is interested in you, if he is your friend or a friendly colleague. 

But it’s likely not platonic if he is too interested and always wants to know what’s happening in your love life. 

Ideally, the only love life a married man should be concerned with is that of his and his wife. 

If he’s overly concerned about yours, it could be that he is interested in you. 

5. He Flirts With You

Signs a Married Man Wants to Cheat with You

A man who wants to cheat with you will likely flirt with you, giving you suggestive looks, touches, and unnecessary eye contact. 

He is trying to communicate with his body language and words that he won’t mind being with you. 

Now, as messed up as it is, some men are more naturally flirty, so they flirt with everybody. 

And if that’s the case, it might not mean anything if he’s flirting with you. 

But if he turns it on only with you, chances are he is interested in having an affair with you. 

6. He Showers You With Gifts

If he is your friend and gives you a birthday gift, there may be nothing to worry about. 

But a married man showering you with gifts is not normal. 

There is no need to say much about this; nobody showers gifts on people they are not interested in. 

This is probably the most obvious sign on the list. 

7. He Speaks Badly Of His Marriage

Signs a Married Man Wants to Cheat with You

Having a bad marriage is possible; that’s not out of the question. 

But when a married man has nothing else to say to you besides how terrible his marriage is, chances are he is trying to prepare the ground to strike. 

He is telling you so that when he comes out to tell you how he feels, you won’t shut him out, considering he has already told you his marriage is bad. 

When someone has a bad marriage but is not planning to cheat with you, they may slip up here or there.

You may also see subtle signs that they are unhappy in their marriage, but they won’t blatantly make it the subject of daily conversation. 

Conversely, a man who wants to cheat will constantly talk down on his marriage and his wife to make you feel pity for him and not be so shocked that he wants an affair.  

8. He Says Little About His Marriage

On the other hand, if you don’t know he’s not married, he might say nothing about his marriage. 

But since you probably already know, he will say little to nothing about his marriage. 

That’s because he is trying to remove your mind from the fact that he is married and reduce the chances of rejection when he woos you. 

9. He Tells You

Signs a Married Man Wants to Cheat with You

Some married men are bold and won’t go through the roundabout route of showing you they want to be with you. 

They will come out and blatantly tell you they want an affair with you. 

Of course, they won’t say they want to cheat with you even though that’s what they are doing.

These men are smooth-talkers. They know how to present their case and make it seem like it’s not a big deal.

10. You Know

Your female intuition is strong, especially in situations like this. 

So, sometimes, your gut might warn you when a man is paying unusual attention to you, and you just know he wants to cheat with you.  

I had an encounter where a married man asked me out. 

Before he did, I had a feeling he was going to, but I lived in denial because I didn’t want to believe it. 

He was in my postgraduate class, and we were friendly enough. 

However, before long, I noticed subtle signs that his feelings toward me weren’t platonic. 

But I didn’t want to believe it because it felt narcissistic to think a friendly man had romantic feelings for me.

I also didn’t want to address it. 

In retrospect, I should have listened to my gut. 

That way, I would have been able to set boundaries to discourage him. 

So, women, most of the time, we just know. 

We get that alarm in our gut that something is happening. 

While you might not want to run with it, you can investigate it at least to be sure. 


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