3 Interesting Results When We Choose Faith in Trials - Jeanne Takenaka

    What does it look like when we choose faith in hard seasons?

    I’ve shared that these past number of months have been tough for our family. Anyone who’s raised kids and walked through the teen years knows how difficult, and sometimes heartrendingly painful, these years are. 

    Along with walking through struggles with our sons, I’ve taken nine trips since June 10th. I feel like a top that is set spinning, begins to wobble and then is twisted up again. 

    The other morning, I read a devotion and the accompanying passage was Romans 5:1-5:

    “Therefore, having been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom also we have access by faith into this grace in which we stand, and rejoice in hope of the glory of God. And not only that, but we also glory in tribulations, knowing that tribulation produces perseverance; and perseverance, character; and character, hope. Now hope does not disappoint, because the love of God has been poured out in our hearts by the Holy Spirit who was given to us.”

    Romans 5:1-5, NKJV

    Verse two spoke of how powerful faith in God is. Yet sometimes, I forget I can choose faith and opt for self-sufficiency. 

    Then, as I read verse three, God spoke to my heart. In all honesty, walking through these months, I’ve condemned myself more than once. Sometimes, I’ve given into the lie that if only I’d done something different when our sons were younger, things would be different now. The decision to choose faith is sometimes forgotten in the middle of life’s muck.

    God’s message in my failing

     When I was certain I deserved correction for my “lack of faith” in the middle of the “hard,” God said, “I love you.” What’s a mama prone to self-condemnation to do with that? 

    Our trials have the capacity to draw us closer to God or drive us away from Him. Our movement depends on our mindset. I know God can bring us through this season, but I’ve grappled with if He would do so in a way that doesn’t devastate me. 

    3 Interesting Results When We Choose Faith in Trials—Our trials have the capacity to draw us closer to God or drive us away from Him. #tellhisstory #choosefaith Click To Tweet

    When tribulations barge into our lives, we sometimes feel blindsided, knocked on our backs. It takes time to process the emotion. To come to terms with what’s happening. 

    And to decide whether or not we’re going to trust our Father.  

    Nothing. Nothing takes Him by surprise. If God allows something hard into our lives, He’s going to walk with us through it. This is the truth that can guide us to the next step of these five verses. 

    Image of a path through aspen trees. A reminder that when we choose faith, our path will lead us many places
    3 Interesting Results When We Choose Faith in Trials 3

    The results when we choose faith

    We all must choose how we respond to God in the middle of our trials. 


    It’s when we trust God by faith in the middle of our difficult circumstances that we find the capacity to persevere through the hard. Does this immediately make things easier? 

    Well, no . . . and yes. 

    Just because we choose faith and to trust our Father doesn’t mean everything will immediately get better. Sometimes, circumstances will become even more painful, more difficult. 

    But, the yes comes because when we choose to trust our Father, to walk in faith, we know His peace. We know His presence with us.  


    Navigating trials and trusting God in the middle of the not knowing how things will end develops much deeper character. When we glimpse God’s hand working in our circumstances—when we see how He shows up in our days—we become more settled in our faith and our character. 


    When we know that we know Jesus is with us, that’s where hope is found. Our hope isn’t grounded in our difficult situation ending the way we want or expect. We find hope in the quiet confidence that God is faithful to bring us through, no matter how our trials resolve. 

    When I made the shift from being spun up by the things going on in our family to choosing faith, determining to trust that God is with us through these hard days, my spirit settled. 

    God literally showed up in rainbows, in friends texting out of the blue that they were praying for us or just thinking about us, and in other glimpses God gave of His presence. 

    Faith is a choice. Sometimes, we choose faith moment-by-moment, because life simply overwhelms us otherwise. 

    Our family’s hard season isn’t over. But more and more, I know God is walking with us, and He will bring us through. And when moments feel overwhelming, I will still choose faith in my Father.

    Because He is God. He is faithful. And, He loves us.

    What about you? What has helped you through heartbreaking trials? Do you have a verse or a passage that helps you choose faith in your trials?

    ***I would be so grateful if you would take a few moments to fill out this survey for me. I want to assess how well I’m meeting the needs of you, my readers. I’ll be giving a $10 Amazon gift card to one person. I truly value your feedback! I will announce the winner in my next blog post

    Also, I created a fun coloring page for anyone who would like to download it. Click this link for the coloring page.

    Lastly, we’re meeting at Lisa Jordan’s next week! See you there!

    Come share your story at the Tell His Story linkup. Connect and be encouraged by like-minded friends! #tellhisstory #linkup Click To Tweet

    Most weeks, I link up with Grace and Truth, Anita Ojeda, Instaencouragements, and sometimes Let’s Have Coffee. Come join and read more encouraging posts!

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    Each week we gather here as storytellers, word weavers, and encouragers to make His name known. Our story is God’s story and this small corner of the blogging world, where we come together each Tuesday, needs you. This is a place where poetry, snapshots, prayers, and stories find a safe spot to nod in agreement that what we have to say matters. I am glad you are here and would love to have you join the #TellHisStory community. Add your own encouraging post through the link below. Spread some love by visiting your neighbor and leaving your own encouragement. Click here to read more about the #TellHisStory community and find a button to add to your site.

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