5 Practical & Effective Tips to Lose Weight - Melanie Redd

Recently, we had to make some life-altering decisions about our health and our future. Would we continue on our current health trajectory or would we make some big changes? We chose the changes! Here are 5 practical & effective tips to lose weight. #healthyliving #healthtransformation #loseweight #betterhealth

It came without warning.

He woke up with bad chest pains.

So, I drove him to the hospital not knowing what to expect.

Three days later, we were discharged from the hospital with two main issues. He had an infection in his heart and concerns about several blockages in his arteries.

As the weeks progressed, my husband’s infection cleared up, but the doctor wanted to operate on the blockages.

Two months after his first hospital stay, he went back into the hospital and had three stents inserted into his heart.

As the doctor was leaving his recovery room, he turned and said something that quickly caught our attention.

Solemnly, the doctor said,

“Either he loses weight and improves his health, or he will be on my table in a few years having open-heart surgery.”

Recently, we had to make some life-altering decisions about our health and our future. Would we continue on our current health trajectory or would we make some big changes? We chose the changes! Here are 5 practical & effective tips to lose weight. #healthyliving #healthtransformation #loseweight #betterhealth

Sometimes life throws us a curveball.

We get the opportunity to stand at the crossroads and make life-altering choices.

And, on that particular day, we made a choice… our lives needed to change.

In specific, our health choices needed to change.

And, on that particular day, we made a choice… Our lives needed to change. In specific, our healthy choices needed to change. Click To Tweet

And, so we began to ask questions, do research, talk to healthy friends, and look for a new plan that would work for us.

I’m happy to report that we are doing so much better and feeling so much better.

Over several months, we have begun a journey that we believe will change the trajectory of our lives.

Specifically, we have BOTH lost over 15 pounds!

My husband is a Type 2 Diabetic who takes 9 medications each day. He is working toward getting off of most of those meds.

His glucose levels were consistently in the 130s.

In recent days, his numbers have dropped to the 90’s.

Also, both of us have more energy, improved focus, and are sleeping better at night.

So, how have we improved our health and lost the weight?

Here are 5 Practical & Effective Tips to Lose Weight (that have worked for us):

So, how have we improved our health and lost weight? Click To Tweet

Recently, we had to make some life-altering decisions about our health and our future. Would we continue on our current health trajectory or would we make some big changes? We chose the changes! Here are 5 practical & effective tips to lose weight. #healthyliving #healthtransformation #loseweight #betterhealth

First of the tips to lose weight… We had to WANT to get healthy!

Motivation is key.

If you are serious about changing your future, you will do things today to make it better.

If you are serious about changing your future, you will do things today to make it better. Click To Tweet

Each action, food choice, drink choice, habit, and each decision will impact your future.

So, start by making better choices!

Your future self will thank you!

If you don’t do what’s best for your body, you’re the one who comes up on the short end.

Julius Erving

Second of the tips to lose weight… We began to drink lots and lots of water.

At first, this was a bit of a challenge.

But, things got easier when I bought these huge plastic water bottles on Amazon.

Now, we just fill them up and drink like crazy until the water is gone.

It’s getting easier to accomplish.

And, we are starting to love the water!

“Drinking water is like washing out your insides. The water will cleanse the system, fill you up, decrease your caloric load, and improve the function of all your tissues.”

Kevin R. Stone

Recently, we had to make some life-altering decisions about our health and our future. Would we continue on our current health trajectory or would we make some big changes? We chose the changes! Here are 5 practical & effective tips to lose weight. #healthyliving #healthtransformation #loseweight #betterhealth

Third of the tips to lose weight… We started going to bed earlier and sleeping more.

Getting enough sleep makes everything better.

Getting enough sleep makes everything better. Click To Tweet


With this in mind, we have enjoyed the energy we get from extra rest.

“Without enough sleep, we all become tall two-year-olds.”

JoJo Jensen, Dirt Farmer Wisdom, 2002

Recently, we had to make some life-altering decisions about our health and our future. Would we continue on our current health trajectory or would we make some big changes? We chose the changes! Here are 5 practical & effective tips to lose weight. #healthyliving #healthtransformation #loseweight #betterhealth

Fourth of the tips to lose weight… We started walking 2 miles each day.

Almost every evening, we take a 2-3 mile walk around the neighborhood.

It’s not a speedy walk, but it’s steady and consistent.

The extra exercise helps us to feel better and to have more energy.

“Success is the sum of small efforts — repeated day-in and day-out.”

Robert Collier

Success is the sum of small efforts — repeated day-in and day-out. Robert Collier Click To Tweet

Recently, we had to make some life-altering decisions about our health and our future. Would we continue on our current health trajectory or would we make some big changes? We chose the changes! Here are 5 practical & effective tips to lose weight. #healthyliving #healthtransformation #loseweight #betterhealth

Finally, we made some big changes to the way we eat.

Rather than pile up huge amounts of food a couple of times a day, we now enjoy smaller meals 6-7 times a day.

Spreading out our calories has allowed us both to burn fat.

And, eating every 2-3 hours has curbed our appetites.

“Weight loss doesn’t begin in the gym with a dumbbell; it starts in your head with a decision.”

Toni Sorenson

Weight loss doesn’t begin in the gym with a dumbbell; it starts in your head with a decision. Toni Sorenson Click To Tweet

Recently, we had to make some life-altering decisions about our health and our future. Would we continue on our current health trajectory or would we make some big changes? We chose the changes! Here are 5 practical & effective tips to lose weight. #healthyliving #healthtransformation #loseweight #betterhealth

Truly this has all been such an amazing experience that we are now seeking to help others.

We would love to partner with you on your health journey!

To do this, we are starting to offer free 20-minute health assessment phone calls.

To discover more about this health assessment, you can click HERE.

“Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies.”

1 Corinthians 6:19-20, NIV

better health

So, what about you?

How is your health right now?

Are you attempting to get more healthy too?

What sorts of things are you doing?

Are you attempting to get more healthy too? Click To Tweet

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© Melanie Redd and Ministry of Hope, 2020. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Further, excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Melanie Redd and Ministry of Hope with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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