
20 Stories
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    Trusting God to Direct Our Path

    "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding, but in all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." - Proverbs 3:5-6During my morning quiet time, I sit silently and meditate on a range of ideas about God. The ideas seem...

    7 min readTrustFaithHope
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    Trusting God's Plan

    This verse reassures us of God's benevolent plans for our future. It emphasizes that God's intentions are for our well-being and not harm, instilling hope and confidence in His guidance and purpose for our lives.

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    The Gospel of Mark: Lord of Hope

    What do Christians mean by hope?I suspect the cynics among us confuse hope with naivete. They might see it as a point of view about reality—a glass half full instead of half empty. The hopeful few are in denial, and that kind of self-delusion cannot possibly be a virtue. If I weren’t a Christian, I’d probably agree, but if Jesus is Lord, then hope takes on a new meaning.Failed by the PowerfulIn Mark 5, Jesus encounters a man named Jairus. He was “one of the rulers of the synagogue,” a man of pow

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    No Light, No Tunnel, No End

    I linger in the blackness, seemingly invisible to passersby. My night is cold and lonely, devoid of the warmth of human touch. There is only God, and though He speaks, I do not hear from Him what I desperately want to hear. He begs me to trust His will, but that will lies heavily upon me, like a shroud. His will is solitary. His will is hard. He bids me to be patient, but the fruitless, empty, years pass me by, heaping their rewards on others.Shared laughter mocks me, as groups of two, three, an

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    Trust God 

    During my morning quiet time, I sit silently and meditate on a range of ideas about God. The ideas seem to float across my mind's eye. I tried to focus on the issue of trust but could not. How do we trust God? In the silence, I continued to pray....

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    Jesus Sees a Woman’s Tears

    Today is release day for Momma Moments with God. I’m writing over a Proverbs 31 Ministries and thought you might enjoy it too! I was crying. It was a hard day. I wondered if God really cared. But then a memory popped into my head about a woman in the Bible who felt about as low as a woman could go. Read more...

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    Enduring Hope

    Maintaining hope during tough times is crucial. This prayer reflects gratitude for divine love, urging us to let optimism and faith guide us through challenges, reinforcing the belief that strength and resilience come from unwavering trust in God.

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    When We All Get to Heaven: A Future and a Hope

    Originally published on June 28, 2022When I began writing this article, I sat at my desk and stared out the window for a solid ten minutes. Simply crafting the title brought joy and sadness to my heart as a dear friend (who I consider to be family) mourns and processes the death of her mother, who battled cancerous brain tumors for two years. This article is a tribute to her mother’s life, legacy, and the hope of heaven she carried to death’s door, only to pass through and see the face of her Sa

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    When Hope Is Walking Right Beside You

    Be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Matthew 28:20 nltThe phone rang. It was my ninth-grade son calling in the middle of the day…never a good sign. “Mom, I’m in the principal’s office. You need to come to school.”I drove to school and found a stranger sitting in the office wearing my son’s clothes. He was facing a week of in school suspension. It was not a good week in the Jaynes’ household.

  • Getting the Doubt Out

    In an attempt to be sympathetic, there are preachers who will tell us that doubting is normal, that even the greatest saints of God have struggled with this, that we shouldn't be too hard on our self whenever doubting occurs. Sounds humane. But is this good advice? Maybe not.Sometimes, what...