A Journey to Freedom — Carol McLeod Ministries | Find Joy in Your Everyday Life

One of the things that I love to do as an older woman and a seasoned author is to keep my eye on young writers who are passionate about communicating truth. Tori Storm is such a young woman. Her journey to freedom from fear and anxiety has been intense and at times frustrating, however, in today’s blog you will also receive a first-hand account of what Jesus can do in a person’s life who is passionately pursuing Him. Read on … you won’t be disappointed!

For the most part, humanity is not physically bound in chains. With the exception of prisoners and any others who have been taken captive for one reason or another, most people are not restricted by large, rusty metal coils or are imprisoned behind bars. We are given the mirage that we all innately carry freedom to some extent. Physically, a lot of us are free; free to do what we want and go where we please. Yes, most humans are not physically bound, but our souls are in chains. And when our souls are bound, our minds are bound; tethering us to relentless pain of the past, constant anger, agonizing grief, and paralyzing shame. 

When you accept Jesus into your life, the Bible tells us time and time again that those bindings are released and that we are no longer shackled to those emotions and thoughts. His Word tells us that we as believers can step away from everything that has held us captive. It’s easily said, but sometimes, it’s hard to believe. At least, I’ve found it hard at times for me to believe it. 

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Hi, my name is Tori, and I have voluntarily been a prisoner of my mind for most of my life. 

I’m a textbook overthinker: I consider every possible outcome to every situation, I worry about scenarios that could potentially happen, and I constantly dwell on things that have happened in the past. Basically, I overanalyze the world around me as life plays out. Because I am an overthinker, battling with seasons of severe anxiety and painful rejections gave me the idea that I was a prisoner to my thoughts and feelings. 

I’ve claimed Jesus as my savior since I was a young child, and as I grew up, I was constantly taught that I have freedom because of him; however, during seasons where I’ve battled with fear and rejection, it was incredibly difficult for me to feel free as questions flew through my mind: 

Why can’t I let go of the past?

Why am I so afraid to live my life? 

Why is my soul free in Jesus, but my mind is imprisoned? 

Although we as Christians are free from eternal suffering, the enemy is constantly trying to find opportunities to make us feel as though we are still bound by chains. Satan watched as the Lord handcrafted us, and he is very aware of how powerful God created our minds to be; however, unlike Jesus, the enemy does not want us using our minds as weapons against the darkness. He strives to use them as powerful weapons against ourselves, quietly destroying us from the inside out. If you are not actively trying to defend your mind and your thoughts, you will begin to feel as though you are a prisoner inside of yourself; suffering silently as negative thoughts and emotions devour you. 

In Jesus, we are capable of having freedom of the mind, but we have to step into that freedom and claim it as our own. The prison doors have been unlocked by Jesus, but we have to actively choose to walk out of our cell. Sadly, I’ve noticed that this is the place where people become stagnant and frustrated. There’s a way to accept freedom, but like most journeys, it takes commitment and perseverance. Jesus will hold your hand and help you, but meet him halfway and commit yourself to use the tools the Lord gave you to access freedom of the mind. 

During my journey to freedom, the Lord has been showing me the amount of authority I truly carry over the darkness. James 4:7-8 states:

“Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.” 

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Because Jesus resides in his believers, the enemy will flee when we command him to. You are not called to sit idly by and allow the enemy to pelt you with negative thoughts. As believers, we are called to resist! How do we resist? We resist with our words. 

I truly believe that one of the greatest weapons we can use against the enemy are the words that come out of our mouths. Whenever you begin to feel anxious, read a Bible verse about peace to battle your thoughts aloud. When you’re feeling crippled with depression, get on your knees, and sing a song of worship. If you’re incapable of doing either of those, just whisper the name Jesus; his name alone is capable of conquering darkness. As it’s said in Hebrews 4:12:

“For the word of the Lord is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword.”

God’s word is a weapon and it does the spiritual battle for us. There came a point in time where the Lord told me to lay hands on my head and pray for protection over the precious mind he gave me and to verbally rebuke the enemy from tormenting it. Speak your prayers verbally. Pray scripture over your mind. Give God time to transform your thoughts and renew your mind. It may not happen overnight- it certainly didn’t happen that way for me. It’s a journey, and the Lord has taught me so much as he’s freed me from an imprisoned mind. 

“Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind,” Romans 12:2

The Lord has opened the door to freedom. Choose to step out. 


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