A Letter to My Lover

To the One who saves me and covers me daily. The One who calms all my fears and anxieties while rejoicing over me with joyful songs. The One who sanctifies me daily, my Jehovah Mekaddishkem

To the One who has redeemed me and that continues to save and rescue my soul from the pit of darkness and hopelessness.

The One that created melodious tunes just for me so I can have epic dance parties in my bedroom, in the safety of fellowship with Him. He is the One that causes me to delight in Him.

To the lover of my soul, You are worthy.

The One who sees my flaws and still loves me the same. That sees my insecurities and doesn’t shy away from them. He doesn’t withhold his love and affection from me because of my weak frame and shortcomings, rather He lavishes his love upon me. The one that cuts deep down into the most intimate part of my nature and my person.

To my divine husbandman, the one who cultivates and nurtures me to fully become all I was created to be.

The One that renews my strength when needed. He brings me with the right flowers at the right time. He drops little trinkets of refreshing and reminders of our love story throughout my day. The One that sends me cute messages throughout the day either through his Word, the mouth of His creation or in my memories. The One whose presence gladdens my heart. Where I am free from the bondage of portraying a false image and living up to an expectation others place on me or that I place on myself.

To the lover of my soul, You are worthy.

In his presence I can fully exhibit my goofy, silly, and child-like self because he creates a safe space for me yet lovingly works with me to be transformed into His image. You know what they say about a husband and wife starting to look alike after a few years, that is what I hope to achieve with the lover of my soul.

It is said that the greatest desire of our hearts is to be fully known and fully loved and the love of God is so potent that NOTHING can separate us from this love.

A love that is intentional, purposeful, and deliberate. The One that is intentional in the way He loves me and listens to the yearnings of my heart and shows up in those little unique ways He knows that only I can pick up on.

The love that enables me to soar on wings like an eagle with the assurance that He’s got my back at all points in time.

He isn’t ashamed to introduce me to his bosom friends in the person of the Trinity. He provides little gifts and resources to me through His Holy Spirit.

His sweet words whispered in my heart is the foundation and strength of my life that helps to sustain me. It’s not like the sweet nothings a mere man whispers, rather my savior’s sweet words are refreshing to my soul and Spirit.

There are several layers to this love as He continues to reveal new aspects and facets of His character to me. In doing this, He also illuminates interesting parts of myself to me, reminding me that I am made in His image.

He is my covering and my defender. When issues are plaguing my mind and causing me anxiety, He is always willing to hear and more than that He is willing to fight for me and go to war on my behalf. He employs the heavenly hosts as the God of Heaven’s Armies to always defend my cause.

Thank you Father God, Thank You darling Jesus & Thank you Sweet Holy Spirit. Thank You for making me your delight and for claiming me as your bride. I am eternally grateful.

From now till eternity,

Lots of Love,

Your Child (insert name here)

Let’s take a moment today to read this to ourselves (or to your loved one if they are nearby), and bask in the love of Our Father. Nothing else can compare to it.

Happy Valentine’s Day!


Mo 🙂

A young woman on a mission to discovering purpose, to inspire growth and contribute to the Kingdom mandate. On the blog we are all about learning and growing and this is done through writing on topics from Faith, Education, Music, Food, Travel and so much more… (Romans 12:2)
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