A Little Grace, Please

    In this post, I will talk about the importance of grace. Grace is meant to be given, as well as recived. Life is hard. The ongoing struggle against sin is real. People often disappoint each other.

    When I’m speaking out against sin Car , I don’t write to berate people, or because I have a personal problem with them. In a world where ideas, beliefs, and behaviors are increasingly sinful, I point to truth and righteousness on behalf of God and others.

    Sometimes, the truth hurts the most. Truth angers some people the most. I talk about relationships because many relationships are broken as a result of people do things their way and not God’s way. There is lack of love for God and lack of love for people.

    There is a lot of pressure to conform to the ways of this world. As a reminder for myself and others, I present God’s truth in comparison, to show the contrast between the ways of the world and God’s ways. I do this to encourage those who love God to continue to be different, to be godly light in this dark world.

    I have been taught falsehoods when it comes to scripture. So have others. I like to take teachings that have been taught out of context, twisted or omitted and share and with my sisters in Christ about them. This does not mean I have anything against pastors overall or am bashing anyone.

    I have had problems in my relationships with men too. Despite all the things that go wrong, such as spiritual abuse, all other kinds of abuse, dysfunctional relationships and injustices, we must show love and grace to others, including those who hurt us.

    Yes, having the right standards and setting healthy boundaries is important. Accountability is important. There are consequences also. Loving and showing grace to others does not cancel these things out.

    “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God…”

    As Romans 3: 23 tells us, humans fall short of the glory of God. We make mistakes. We are born in sin and must experience the new birth as described in John 3: 3. “Jesus answered and said unto him, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.”

    We all fail at some point and do things or say things that are wrong. It is important to extend grace, love and forgiveness to others, just as God has shown us.

    All people have done or will do sinful things, including myself. Many of us wish we could go back and undo those things, but they have already been done. The key is to confess our sins to God and repent (1 John 1: 9).

    I thank God for the work He has done in me to help me to improve. I thank God for the work He is doing in others to help them improve. I thank God for helping me to be optimistic, to forgive, be gracious and loving to others, in spite of everything.

    Many people feel guilt and condemnation about things they have done in the past. Plenty are working on improvement. Yet, their guilt nearly consumes them.

    There is no reason to be consumed by guilt for past wrongs, especially, when someone has confessed to God, repented and as much as possible, has made wrongs right with others. What has been done in the past can remain in the past.

    Many are actively working on self- improvement. We are works in progress. Let’s show each other some grace. Let’s show each other love. Again, this does not cancel out standards, boundaries and accountability.

    But I want to encourage people who are working on themselves to keep it up. Don’t focus on what’s behind. Focus on the present and moving forward. If people drag you down and want to throw your past in your face, perhaps you should reevaluate your relationships with them.

    A toxic person is not someone that one has to become enemies with. Yet, some are better off being loved and prayed for from a distance. There is wisdom in this.

    I understand that doing things God’s way is the only right way. This is why I share so many posts that have biblical principles and guidance in them. I do this because Jesus is the answer for all of our problems. The answers for our problems are found in the word of God.

    I will continue to encourage people, including myself to do things God’s way. Why? Because this is right and God’s way is the only way that works. This truly is what is best for us.

    Instead, be kind to each other, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, just as God through Christ has forgiven you.” Ephesians 4: 32

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