A Plain Theology of God pt. 2

This month, my goal is to briefly and simply walk through some of what Charles Octavius Boothe taught in A Plain Theology For Plain People. I highly recommend that you purchase a copy of the book and work through it slowly, prayerfully, and meditatively. It’s a short volume and perfect to read in small chunks throughout the month. 

The purpose of these posts is to provide some brief thoughts and insights for meditation. If you find something thought-provoking, please feel free to comment and start some dialogue. I look forward to working through A Plain Theology for Plain People with you this month.

Be sure to check out part 1 of A Plain Theology of God here!

What May Be Known of God (Continued)

6. God is all-powerful.
God displays His power:

In creation. God created the heavens and the earth (Genesis 1:1). It is impossible to fathom a mere man speaking creation into existence. God spoke and the universe was created. We need no more evidence of Almighty power!

In governing creation through His providence. The creation has been upheld and is moving as God has willed it. The seas and the skies have stayed within their limits, and so have the animals. Scripture is clear, in the case of Daniel and the Three Hebrew boys, that even “the lion’s jaws are locked, and the heated furnace cannot burn against his will.”

In control of men and evil forces to bring about His plan. One example is with Nebuchadnezzar whom God used to receive glory and yet humbled him when he grew proud (Daniel 3:28, 4:37). God uses even ungodly people for His work.

7. God is all-wise.
Boothe says that, “wisdom consists in the ability to apply the various items of our knowledge, in such a way as to accomplish a desired end…” In other words, God has both the knowledge and the ability to use that knowledge to achieve His ultimate, perfect ends. We see this especially in nature, God’s providence, and in the purposes and plans of His sovereign grace (Romans 11:33).

8. God is infinitely holy and perfectly just. 
In His Holiness (Isa. 6:1-3, Rev. 4:8, Ex. 15:11,1 Chronicles 16:29; 2 Chronicles 20:21; Psalm 29:2): Boothe is right in saying that “The perfect holiness of God is seen in the rectitude (righteousness) of the divine character; it is the sum of all supreme, moral excellence.”

In His Justice (Psalm 145:17): Boothe rightly asks, "Can perfect holiness and infinite wisdom give birth to unrighteous laws and unequal administrations?" Certainly not! God is holy and He must govern the world with perfect justice. It is thus true that “God’s judgments are always righteous.”

9. God is faithful and true.
Everything God says is true, and God Himself is truth (John 17:17, Deuteronomy 32:3-4, Jeremiah 10:10, 2 Corinthians 1:20, Joshua 23:14). From the fall of Adam and Eve to the coming of the Savior, God has been faithful to give salvation to those who trust in Christ. He spoke it, and it has come to pass. There is not a soul who repents and trusts Jesus that won't receive the eternal life promised in the gospel!

10. God never changes.
Boothe, in his simple and punchy way, says, "Change belongs to man, not to God, who is perfect." We change our minds, alter our plans, and respond in light of newly revealed knowledge, wisdom, and holiness. God isn't like us. He isn't subject to change (Psalm 102:25-27, Malachi 3:6, James 1:17, Numbers 23:19). This is clearly seen in the unchanging moral law which has been true and righteous since the days of Adam, Moses, and Daniel. God is still unchanging and so is His holy standard.

11. God is good and merciful.
God displays His mercy:

In the works of creation. Everything God made was good (Genesis 1:31, 2:9, 2:18)

In His providence. God is good to the just and the unjust by providing all with sun and rain (Matthew 5:45). He is a God full of mercy and steadfast love, and He is good to all and merciful over all of His works (Psalm 145:8-9).

In the work of redemption. He loved the world—those who were His enemies—so much that He "made this matchless, amazing sacrifice to open to us again the gates of life!" He didn't spare His own Son, but rather showered us with love in order that we could be called His sons and daughters. What goodness and mercy we have seen!

As we continue to mine the depths of these attributes of God, we should be drawn to humility and worship. Let these truths continue to sink in. Read and re-read some of the Scriptures from above. Most importantly, let these truths lead you to deeper faith. God, who is the self-existent, life-giving, eternal, ever-present, all-knowing Spirit loved us enough to save us. He did this through Jesus Christ, the second person of the Godhead. Knowing that we would fall into sin and death, God devised a redemption plan that is beyond understanding! This is cause for worship and thanksgiving!

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