Adultery Prevention Seminar. What would it look like? - Divorce Minister

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Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom.

-Song of Solomon 2:15, NIV

I think it all begins with healthy reminders about how we are all vulnerable to this sin when we marry  another person. We only control whether or not we ourselves commit adultery.

We are also only accountable for our own actions and sins before God (see 2 Corinthians 5:10).

Next, I think the seminar would do well to have speaker(s) addressing “The Shared Responsibility Lie“–where people are taught the lie of joint responsibility for the sins of their married partner. The major theme of this seminar–if you haven’t noticed already–is personal responsibility and solid personal character.

Next, I think it would be good to deal with common lies cheater spew to “justify” their cheating. Exposing dark deeds to light might prevent some from going to that place (Ephesians 5:11).

After that, I think some testimonies sharing the devastation of adultery are in order. People need to know how bad this is! They need to see faces of faithful spouses who have survived the devastation.

Some correctional teaching about how God hates adultery more than divorce needs to happen during the seminar. This is to help couples who have heard all the warnings about divorce, yet they have not heard biblical teachings about God’s real heart on the matter. They need to understand the real danger–as I read the Bible–is adultery, not divorce!

This is a depressing seminar.

I wonder if anyone would sign up for it. Yet I think it would do many good to hear the truth in it.

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