Advent- Thirty Days of Jesus: Day 18, The Highest King

    By Elizabeth Prata

    We are flowing through a section of verses which focus on Jesus as the Second Person of the Trinity.

    thirty days of jesus day 18

    Further Reading

    Though the verse is literally speaking about King David, the relation of David to Christ means the verse also prefigures the preeminence of King Jesus. The throne, through David’s line, would last forever through Christ.

    Spurgeon, Treasury of David:

    Verse 27. Also I will make him my firstborn. Among the kings the seed of David were to be most favoured and indulged with most love and paternal regard from God: but in Jesus we see this in the highest degree verified, for he has preeminence in all things, inasmuch as by inheritance he has a more glorious name than any other, and is higher than the kings of the earth. Who can rival heaven’s Firstborn? The double portion and the government belong to him. Kings are honoured when they honour him, and those who honour him are kings! In the millennial glory it shall be seen what the covenant stores up for the once despised Son of David, but even now faith sees him exalted as King of kings and Lord of lords. Lo, we bow before thee, thou Heir of all things! Our sheaves do obeisance to thy sheaf. All thy mother’s children call thee blessed. Thou art he whom thy brethren shall praise. Jesus is no servant of princes, nor would he have his bride, the church, degrade herself by bowing before kings and eating the bread of a pensioner at their hands. He and his kingdom are higher than the kings of the earth. Let the great ones of the earth be wise and submit to him, for he is Lord, and he is the governor among the nations.

    Barnes’ Notes on the Bible
    Also I will make him my first-born – He shall be regarded and treated by me as the first-born son is in a family; that is, with distinguished favor and honor. Compare Genesis 27:19Genesis 29:26Exodus 4:22Exodus 13:12Jeremiah 31:9. See also the notes at Colossians 1:15, notes at Colossians 1:18.

    Gill’s Exposition says,

    Also I will make him my firstborn,…. Or, “make him the firstborn”; make him great, as Jarchi interprets it; give him the blessing, the double portion of inheritance: so Christ is made most blessed for ever, and has all spiritual blessings in his hands; and is heir of all things, and his people joint-heirs with him. Christ is God’s “firstborn”, or “first begotten”, Hebrews 1:6, being begotten by him, and of him; … even him the Father promises to make “higher than the kings of the earth”; having a kingdom of a superior nature to theirs, and a more extensive and durable one; and even they themselves shall be subject to him; hence he is called “King of kings”, Revelation 19:16.

    The King of Kings shall reign forever, His Kingdom shall endure.

    Thirty Days of Jesus Series-

    Day 1: The Virgin shall conceive
    Day 2: A shoot from Jesse
    Day 3: God sent His Son in the fullness of time
    Day 4:  Marry her, she will bear a Son
    Day 5: The Babe has arrived!
    Day 6: The Glory of Jesus
    Day 7: Magi seek the Child
    Day 8: The Magi Offer gifts & worship
    Day 9: The Child Grew
    Day 10- the Boy Jesus at the Temple
    Day 11: He was Obedient
    Day 12: The Son!
    Day 13: God is pleased with His Son
    Day 14: Propitiation
    Day 15: The Gift of Eternal Life
    Day 16:  Kingdom of Darkness to Light
    Day 17: Jesus’ Preeminence

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