Beat the Holiday Blues

Posted by: Frank Walker LMFT | December 8, 2021

Beat the Holiday Blues

10 ways to beat the holiday blues

I know I have written about the stress of the holidays before.

But look around us the stress is at level orange we are running ourselves ragged.  It doesn’t seem to be getting any better.

We all come under the holiday blues, sometime during this season.

1. You need to connect with people. The worst thing any of us can do during the season is to isolate ourselves. Get out be around people.

4.Contact someone you’ve lost touch with.  Call an old friend or a forgotten relative. Spread the love around by being there for someone.

5.Be honest with God about your situation. Don’t put on a front of good cheer if that isn’t the way things are. But don’t let the blues rule the reason for this season. Jesus was born in a poor manger. So don’t pout about your situation. Take the time to discover the real meaning of Christmas.

6.Get plenty of rest. We run ourselves into the ground. Take some time to enjoy and relax.

7.Let go of the past. Start fresh this year with a few new traditions and plans. Just because it has always been a certain way doesn’t mean you can’t change.

9.Don’t focus on what you don’t have – focus on what you do have

10.Get out of yourself and into other people. You know you feel so much better when the spotlight is off you. Look around at all the needs in the community. Be the answer to other’s needs.

 Adapted from: New Life Ministries.

Frank J Walker LMFT-retired

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“A Marriage Minute”

@ Frank Walker LMFT


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