Beauty Out of Ashes — Fearfully & Wonderfully Jo

It seems like just yesterday when Harvey ruthlessly ravaged the coast of Texas (among other places), leaving countless people without homes and the means to sustain themselves. Now here we are, almost 7 months after, and the effects are still inflicting misery. People are still struggling, fighting for their lives. But they’re losing hope… fast.

Epic Movement, the campus ministry I’m a part of at UT, has been sending groups down to Houston to help with the relief effort since last fall, right after the hurricane. Since it is a weekend-long trip, I’ve always used school as an excuse not to go. I have too much work. I have 2 exams this week. I need my sleep. But honestly, these were all just reasons that I found convenient and valid to use so that I wouldn’t have to spend a couple nights out of the comfort of my bed. They were EXCUSES. And after the 4th group came back from their relief trip, I felt that God was telling me to stop with the excuses. How He told me that, I think, was mainly through a feeling that I was being hypocritical. I write about loving others and living for God on this blog all the time. Yet, when I was offered an opportunity to do just that, I tried to find as many excuses as I could to run away from it. So I resolved to go on the next trip.

BUT! It turned out the next trip was during spring break, and I was flying back to Ohio, which meant that I really actually wouldn’t be able to go.

BUT! Somehow someway (let’s be honest it was probs God doing His thing) the trip was changed to the week before spring break. So I signed up!!!

I don’t really know what I was expecting. But what I saw when I got to the site was definitely not anything I could’ve predicted. The place literally screamed destruction. There was trash EVERYWHERE. Most of the houses were either partially-built or laying in a heap on the ground. The greenhouses that were previously the residents’ source of income, were now in shambles. I guess now would be a good time to give you some background on the area we were focusing our efforts on. So this area was called Rosharon (I think) and it was located in south Houston (I think, my geography is bad so don’t quote me on this). It’s also called “Little Cambodia” because most of the residents are immigrants from Cambodia, and they speak little to no English. They work mostly as farmers, growing fruits and vegetables that are then sent to our beloved Chinese groceries :).

There are so many things that I could say about this trip, but it would take too long. So I’m just gonna talk about three things that really stood out to me.


WOW!! The community I experienced on this trip was incredible. In addition to our group, there were also other groups from different organizations and even different states there to help out. And it was the absolute coolest thing to see people who were previously strangers working together to rebuild these houses. I think the image that stands out most to me is when I saw this caucasian couple working with a volunteer organization made up primarily of Indians to rebuild part of a ceiling. Here we were, all different races, all different ages, and we were talking, laughing, and just genuinely enjoying each other’s company. It’s amazing to see how just by serving and loving others, we can all come together and build such meaningful relationships. THE POWER OF GOD’S LOVE WHOO!!


One of the houses we were working on belonged to a man named Johnny (not sure if it’s the correct spelling) and his family. And their generosity is one I’ll never forget. Even though their house was in ruins and they were struggling as it was, they still took the time to cook us super delicious meals. Not to mention, it was Johnny’s wife’s birthday and she still chose to spend it serving us. They were also genuinely interested in getting to know us and always were so cheerful. I remember thinking how strange it was that they were able to wear such big smiles when their house lay right there, looking so desolate. One of the Indian volunteer groups also cooked for us, which came as a total surprise. And personally, I was super touched, because we hadn’t prepared anything. But they were so thoughtful and took the time to cook a meal for all the volunteers.


Last but not least, God revealed to me yet again the extent of His power and love. Before Harvey, Johnny and his family did not believe in the existence of God or Jesus. In fact, they were Buddhists. However, because they saw the hearts of all the volunteers that went to help out, they began to open themselves up to learning more about God. That’s how strong God’s love is. It has the power to enable people to selflessly love others. It has the power to change the most stubborn heart. And it has the power to lead people to have faith in something they cannot see.

On Saturday morning, we woke up bright and early so we could get to work as soon as possible. After breakfast, we had some free time. So a couple friends and I took a walk down the road. And I was astounded by the immense beauty that lay around me. Yes, there was devastation everywhere. But for some reason, I couldn’t help but think it was beautiful. Perhaps it was because the birds were chirping and the morning sun was shining, casting a delightful glow on the ground. Or perhaps it was the calm in the air that seemed to be God’s way of saying that everything would be OK for these people that He so loves. That He will be protecting and walking alongside them in this time of uncertainty and immense pain. After this trip, I FINALLY understood what Isaiah 61:3  meant. God is truly able to bring beauty out of ashes.

Plug time!!! If you have even a little inkling of a feeling that you want to go help out, I say GO FOR IT!! Because honestly, it’s probably God calling you to go. The need for volunteers is sky-high. There is still so much to be done and they really appreciate any help they can get. For those who may not feel compelled to go, don’t worry!! It doesn’t make you a bad person!! After all, everyone has a different calling. BUT! You can still help out through prayer! Whoo prayer!! Below are some prayer points but feel free to add your own!!


Prayer Points:

  • Pray for peace and hope for all those who are still struggling to cope with the effects of Harvey
  • Pray for healing and restoration
  • Pray that those affected would come to know God’s great love and come to accept Christ as their Savior
  • Pray that people (or even yourself!) would recognize God’s calling to go help out and respond accordingly
  • Pray for energy/health/safety of volunteers
  • Pray for resources as a lot of things take money, which is not something there is an abundance of

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