Beth Moore’s divorced daughter Melissa was married this weekend
By Elizabeth Prata
There are 3 or 4 blogs I’ve written over the years, which remain in the top 5 searched and read. The one I did about two divorces, Summer White and Melissa Moore is one of those that continues to generate high interest, for some reason. I wrote it seven years ago in 2016 but here in 2023 the essay still remains highly read.
Both women compared in my essay are daughters of a more famous Christian teacher, Summer being the daughter of Dr. James White, and Melissa being the daughter of Beth Moore. Both women say they are believers. Both women went through a divorce at close to the same time. Only one did it biblically, the other did it unbliblically.
Divorce is a serious event in a believer’s life. There are few biblical reasons one may be unsinfully divorced, and a myriad of reasons one would be sinfully separated from a husband. The Bible says in 1 Corinthians 7:10,
But to the married I give instructions, not I, but the Lord, that the wife is not to leave her husband
In my research for the 2016 essay, I obtained first hand statements, primary documents, and court documents. None of it was gossip. It was all from the women’s own mouth (or pen) or from unimpeachable sources like the court, which are public documents. All of it was public.
Summer divorced well, praying, being patient, attempting reconciliation, counseling, submitting to her elders and finally separating for biblical reasons with support from her overseers.
Melissa did not appear to divorce well. Her basis for her divorce was stated in court and sworn to, was “discord or conflict of personalities” with no hope of reconciliation due to irreconcilable differences. Here is the snippet from the court document: click for larger
Of course there is always more to any person’s story, but the sworn basis for her divorce was personality conflict and that is what we go forward on. Melissa was the initiator, by the way, contradicting the command in 1 Corinthians 7:10. Unlike Summer, who was also initiator but her reasons were biblical. Melissa’s public basis for her divorce, weren’t.
Resource: Divorce and Remarriage
Resource: Marriage, Divorce, and Remarriage
The danger with an unbiblical divorce is displeasing God and sinning. Another danger is the woman’s remarrying. There are only two ‘allowable’ causes for divorce, sexual sin or desertion. A woman who divorced unbiblically and remarries is now considered an adulteress, since the original marriage’s dissolution was not sanctioned biblically by God. (Luke 16:18)
Melissa Moore seems now to be in just such a state. Her own words follow:
July 2013:
February 2023:
August 2023:
November 2023:
Beth Moore exulted in her daughter’s joy. I am glad for their joy, and glad they seem to have a close and loving relationship. In fact, Melissa is an employee at her mother’s organization Living Proof (Salary $146,350). Melissa writes curricula and Bible studies with her mother. I am glad they are happy.
However, this happiness is not in the Lord, which makes all the difference. It’s one thing to unbiblically divorce, but compounding nd complicating the sin is remarriage. Melissa is now considered an adulteress according to Mark 10:11-12 and will have severe consequences on Judgment Day, as all unrepentant sin will be addressed. (If her former husband has passed away then it makes a difference to the scenario…)
“The Bible also gives a word of caution to anyone who is considering marriage to a divorcee. If the divorce was not on biblical grounds and there is still a responsibility to reconcile, the person who marries the divorcee is considered an adulterer.” (Mark 10:12)”. Source
One would hope that Melissa had repented of her appearing to divorce unbiblically. Such repentance should be public, since she is a public figure and has written about this publicly. But I have not seen such a statement.
So, why am I writing this?
1. If a ‘Bible’ teacher does not submit to the scriptures, then does she have the credibility to teach the scriptures? No. On the other hand, if a Bible teacher or theologian does submit to scripture, and continues to do so even when it is hardest or most embarrassing, it enhances their credibility as a teacher.
2. Divorce is a serious event in a believer’s life, though in today’s world both secular and Christian, it is made light of (i.e. How many church disciplines have you heard of for unbiblical divorce?),
3. Living Proof is a huge and continually influential ministry, yet the lifestyle of both women who run it are unbiblical. This will permeate their “studies” and material like gangrene (2 Timothy 2:17-18, 1 Timothy 4:16). See #1.
4. Marriage is supposed to be a picture of the union of Christ with the Church- “The relationship of Christ and the church, the gospel, is all about the marriage of a bride and groom; we, Christians, are the bride and Christ is the groom. This union of Christ and the church is the real marriage and our marriages are to serve as that portrait, that image of the ultimate reality.” Challies. Abandoning one’s spouse for unbiblical reasons or for a better prospect destroys this picture. When one is a celebrity Bible teacher in the public eye, it magnifies- and normalizes- the destruction.
If you, dear reader, are considering a divorce or even a separation from your husband, please slow down and seek counsel from trusted overseers. Casting away what God has ordained is a serious business. I’ve had women say to me that their divorce was OK because they were “unhappy and God wants me to be happy”. I’ve had women come to me for advice on separation and when I quote 1 Corinthians 7:10 and say a woman may not separate from her husband, become angry at me for bringing it up. I’ve seen biblical divorces and unbiblical divorces, even a case of church discipline over an unbiblical one. The pastor cried when he reported his unfortunate turn of events. It’s serious, women!
Please take marriage and potential divorce biblically, avoid Beth Moore’s ministry because it’s laced with unbiblical lives which taint the biblical ‘teachings’. If you are in a good marriage, rejoice that the Lord has united one man and one woman into one flesh forever!