Bible lessons on Power of the tongue

Bible lessons on Power of the tongue

Posted on April 11, 2010 Updated on April 11, 2010

Memorise: : “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest” (Matt. 11:28).

Pastor Enoch Adeboye

Read: Matthew 11:28-30

For several years I have been chauffeur-driven by one of my Pastors in London. This was purely voluntary and other people have had difficult time trying to take the job from him.

Each time we drove through the streets of London, we came across a particular mechanic workshop which specialises in repairing Rolls Royce. Usually they would have at least one for sale. The price ranged between 40,000 to 45,000 pounds while a brand new one costs as much as 100,000 pounds.

I told my driver – the Pastor that one day I will just walk into the workshop and leave with one Rolls Royce. He laughed it off knowing how I struggled to pay the bill for the London Holy Ghost service. I also laughed because I recognised he was yet to know what my God could do.

One day, I left London for the North American Convention. On my return to London, at the airport, my driver came with his mini van he normally took me in. My wife drove up to us in a Rolls Royce and said, Daddy, while you were away somebody brought this as a gift. I looked at my driver and we laughed.

This time, he was laughing because God has surprised him, but I was laughing because he has not seen anything yet. This year the Lord will surprise you. What you thought difficult will come without stress to you in Jesus name.

“Arise, shine, for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee” (Isaiah 60:1).

A look through scriptures reveals three ways God speaks to people. He could advice, appeal or command. Setting blessing and cursing before His people in Deuteronomy 30:19, the Lord advised them to choose blessing so they might live. When an advice is given, you have a choice, to take it or leave it.

In our reading of today, God extended an invitation to those who have laboured and are heavy burdened, offering them rest. That is an appeal. But in Matthew 28:19, He instructed them to take the Gospel message to the whole world. That is a command.

In the same way, Isaiah 60:1 is a command. The Lord says you should arise from poverty, sickness, retrogression; He says arise from barrenness, disappointment and failure.

This is a command. As you obey Him, the change would come. This year, in the name of Jesus, you will arise from darkness into light. You will arise from reproach into honour. You will arise from lack into abundance. You will arise from sorrow into joy, weeping into celebration.

Ask God for protection, provision and ministerial success concerning all godly missionaries in their respective mission fields worldwide.

This entry was posted in Christianity and tagged Babatope Babalobi, Bible study, Christian, church, Devotionals, God, Jesus, pastor adeboye, pastor adeboye’s sermons, prophecy, Religion, Save the World, Success, tongue.

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