You don’t have to keep running.
You don’t have to keep fighting.
You don’t have to keep searching for the “cure.”
You don’t have to keep trying.

I know you are tired,
And ache for something more.
I know you just want to sit down,
Letting the weight you’re carrying fall.

The idea that you will get a place
Where it makes sense to rest
Is a fallacy and will continue to drive you
Crazy and exhausted and weary.

You are in that place NOW.
You are already complete.
You are already enough.
You are already at your destination.


Because Jesus gave you that place,
The place of completeness,
Of enoughness,
Because He is all you need and you can rest.

So instead of continuing to push forward,
Instead of trying to make it work,
Instead of stretching to figure it out,
Why don’t you put it down?

I think when you do,
You’ll discover that this was the place
You were looking for all along.
You are already there!

You carry a safe place with you
Wherever you go.
You are the dwelling place
Of the Father, Son and Spirit.

You can quit trying to find it,
Settling into the home
That He has already invited you into
By bringing it within you.

There is no destination that makes
The driving pressure stop.
No amount of money, or power,
No amount you weigh, or number of friends.

Let the pressure drop to your feet,
And enjoy the journey!
See yourself as already loved
Because God has loved us all along.

Your striving doesn’t make you more loved.
Your money doesn’t make you more enough.
Your status doesn’t make you more delighted in.
Your appearance doesn’t make you more acceptable.

Just rest. Just relax.
Breathe deeply in the acceptance and love
Of the One who carries you and is enough
For every part of your life that feels too big.

Don’t work to be big enough for it,
But settle into the One who is already capable.
Meet Him in your busyness, in your overwhelm,
And see Him bring peace to the very mess you are in.

I pray that he would unveil within you the unlimited riches of his glory and favor until supernatural strength floods your innermost being with his divine might and explosive power. Then, by constantly using your faith, the life of Christ will be released deep inside you, and the resting place of his love will become the very source and root of your life. Ephesians 3:16-17