Christian messages to overcome depression

Christian messages to overcome depression

Posted on June 13, 2012 Updated on June 20, 2012

The heart is the center of man’s being. Every of our action, thought or motive is generated from our heart. Our character or behaviour in response to situations or circumstances around us is as a result of the things that have been deposited in the consciousness of our being. The way we react to issues that pertains to us is as a result of the composition of the state of our mind.

What are some of the manifestations of the composition of our mind set?If we bother to find an answer, so many reasons we will find. For instance, the scriptures had already given the above, an appropriate categorization. According to God’s word, one is categorized as the “works of the flesh”, the other as the “works of the Spirit”. (See Galatians 5:16-23)

In others however, we a mind set fashioned to exhibit traits of acts such as courage, strong self will, diligence, persistence, patience, gentleness, affectionate living, kindness, self-control, peaceful disposition to issues, sound judgment, honesty, acts of godliness, e.t.c.

What factors make people exhibit either of the above mentioned character attitude and traits?
There are varying factors and reasons, but should we bother expending time and efforts on the likely causes?

In some people, we find acts and attitude of anger or hatred, selfishness, envy, jealousy, arrogance, pride, faithlessness, licentiousness, a corrupted mind, deceitful attitude or a mind set fashioned after evil tendencies and immoral behaviors.

The issue of the Heart.
The issue of the heart is for us to consider and ponder about which of the above categorization we would love to manifest. And to do this, we might need to do an attitude check on ourselves. Are we negative minded or positive minded? Are there some manifestations of these attitudes in our lives?

Consider, Ponder and undertake a self appraiser of your acts and attitude. How much of the “work of the flesh” do we exhibit? How much of the “works of the Spirit” do we possess? That is the issue of the heart.

Proverbs 3, verse 3-4 admonishes, “Let not steadfast love and faithfulness forsake you; bind them around your neck; write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favour and good success in the sight of God and Man”

No matter our disposition, let us be conscious to guide our heart to showcase positive attitudes. Let’s refrain from negative acts and behaviors that manifest the “works of the flesh”. We can make life pleasant, living with positive attitudes to life; showcasing the ”works of the spirit” and gaining favour and goodness in the sight of God and man.


By ‘sanmi Falobi

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