Commentary on Matthew 18: Qualities of a good child/kid

Commentary on Matthew 18: Qualities of a good child/kid

Posted on August 29, 2016 Updated on August 29, 2016

By Babatope Babalobi +2348035897435

Matthew 18 vs. 3-4

3 And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.  4 Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.

Jesus said whoever wants to make heaven must have the qualities of a child. What are these qualities that every Christian should imbibe?

Image result for children

  1. Children are humble; you therefore need to overcome pride and arrogance.
  2. Children are innocent; you need to pray for God to turn your wordly wisdom to foolishness.
  3. Children are meek; you need to deliver yourself from spirit of anger if you wish to make heaven.
  4. Children are forgiving; you must ensure you forgive all that rightly or wrongly offend you.
  5. Children have absolute faith in the word of their Daddy. You should have faith in God and put your trust in him.
  6. Children are trustworthy; you need to cast off deceit from your life.
  7. Children don’t bear grudge or malice; you must have same character and spirit.
  8. Children love everyone, young and old, male or female. You need to have compassion and love all.
  9. Children are not anxious about tomorrow, but cast their worries on their father. You need to kill the spirit of anxiety and worry.
  10. Children are teachable; you must be obedient and diligent.
  11. Children are obedient; pray and cast out the spirit of rebellion and disobedience.
  12. Children are not covetous, materialistic or desire riches or wealth. You need to kill the love of money which the bible describes as the root of all evils.
  13. Children are free minded and play with anyone. If you wish to make heaven don’t harbor or cultivate grudge against anyone.

This entry was posted in Christianity and tagged Babatope Babalobi, children, Devotionals, God, Jesus, Save the World, save the world prayer blog, sermon.

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