David – The Life of a King

    Jeff Griffin
    Senior Pastor
    The Compass Church

    Israel’s history is filled with the stories of individuals whose lives have inspired people for millennia. Among these heroes of old, King David is probably the one person most people will identify as the most iconic figure of the Old Testament. David’s triumphs as a warrior and his failures as a king shaped his life in such a way that he is remembered as the greatest king who ruled in Israel.

    God had a special place in his heart for David. When Samuel announced to Saul that his kingdom would not continue, Samuel said that God had sought out a man after his own heart to replace him (1 Samuel 13:14). When David was chosen to be a king, he was just a young man, a humble shepherd who was destined to become the shepherd of God’s people (2 Samuel 5:2) and Israel’s greatest warrior.

    The presence of David in the Bible reveals the kind of man David was. His name is mentioned 1118 times in the Bible. There are 62 chapters in the Old Testament detailing the life and activities of David. There are 73 psalms ascribed to David in the book of Psalms.

    These references to David present him as the king of Israel, as a mighty warrior, as the commander of Israel’s army, as a poet, as an instrumentalist, and as a composer of songs. David was called “Israel’s beloved singer of songs” (2 Samuel 23:1).

    The Old Testament presents David as a mighty king who established a prosperous kingdom in Israel. He strengthened Israel politically, economically, and socially. His accomplishments as a warrior helped Israel subdue its enemies and bring peace to his nation. Solomon’s reign of peace and prosperity was the legacy David left to his son. Notwithstanding his lustful affair with Bathsheba, his many wives, and the many challenges David had to face as a king, David became the agent God used to accomplish his work in the world.

    Several months ago, my pastor, Jeff Griffin, the Senior Pastor of The Compass Church of Naperville, preached a series of sermons on David before he became a king. That series of eight sermons titled The Making of a King, dealt with David’s life during the years David served under Saul.

    Jeff has begun a series of seven sermons on David after he became the king of a united Israel. This series of sermons on David detail the story and the drama of what happened in David’s palace.

    In introducing the series of sermons on the life of David as king, Jeff writes, “The palace in ancient Jerusalem was filled with treachery, seduction, and murder. Surprisingly, God invites us to take a front row seat in watching the vile drama of King David’s reign. We can learn from this royal mess and gain life-altering wisdom.”

    Below is a list of the seven sermons Jeff will preach on the life of David:

    David – “Celebrating God Wholeheartedly” (Michal) – 2 Samuel 6:1–23 (forthcoming)

    David – “Loving the Overlooked” (Mephibosheth) – 2 Samuel 9:1–13 (forthcoming)

    David – “Battling Temptation” (Bathsheba) – 2 Samuel 11:1–27 (forthcoming)

    David – “Facing the Truth” (Nathan’s Rebuke) – 2 Samuel 12:1–31 (forthcoming)

    David – “Parenting Courageously” (Absalom) – 2 Samuel 15:1–37 (forthcoming)

    David – “Forgiving Others” (Shimei) – 2 Samuel 19:15–23 (forthcoming)

    David – “Joy in Giving” (Temple Preparation) – 2 Samuel 24:18–25 (forthcoming)

    In the coming weeks I will write posts based on Jeff’s sermons. Each post will be based on the ideas and concepts Jeff will use in his sermons.

    I have blogged on many of Jeff’s sermons. For a complete list of posts based on his sermons, visit my post The Sermons of Jeff Griffin.

    The reason I write posts on Jeff’s sermons is because Jeff is a unique preacher. Preaching from the Old Testament is not easy. It requires much research, an in-depth study of the text, and some creativity.

    When preaching from the Old Testament, most preachers use an Old Testament text but spend most of the sermon in the New Testament. When Jeff preaches from the Old Testament, he begins with the text and finishes with the text. Preaching from the Old Testament is applying the truth of an Old Testament text to the life of believers in the twenty-first century.

    The members of The Compass Church are fortunate to have a preacher who loves and preaches from both the Old Testament and from the New Testament.

    Each post will include a video of Jeff’s sermon. I hope you will enjoy these sermons on David as much I know I will enjoy them.

    Claude Mariottini
    Emeritus Professor of Old Testament
    Northern Baptist Seminary

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