Debt - But Everybody is Doing It — iWork4Him

I've been thinking back to 1999 when Martha and I were up to our eyeballs in debt.

In 1994 we built a house beyond our means and started a business solely on credit. I was addicted to having a new car all the time and we ate out more often than we ate in. In all, our spending was out of control. It was all fueled by the wrong idea that we were the owners, we thought we knew everything and never considered that the bible had answers to our money problems.

We had lived without a budget and spent beyond our means and we were headed for disaster.

After completing our Crown Financial course in the spring of 1999, Martha and I committed to getting out of debt. We prayed:

"Lord we need your help getting us out of debt. We know that out of control spending got us here. We also believe that if you ever call us to do something out of the box for the Kingdom, we don't want our debt to keep us from obedience. Please help".

We decided to sell our dream house, and make some major changes, but in a period of 15 years the Lord helped us get completely out of debt. No debt! No credit card balances, no debt on cars or our home, and we had college money set aside for our 2 kids remaining at home. Tell me that wasn't miraculous.

In 2016, just 17 years after our extensive biblical financial training, 2 years after becoming debt free, and 3 years after going on the air for iWork4Him, God asked us to go all in and quit our jobs and start expanding the message of iWork4Him across the Nation. The kicker? We did it! But it was only possible because God had changed our hearts toward money and we were willing to be obedient and get out of debt.

For the past 5 ½ years we have encouraged and equipped Christ Followers all over Florida and around the country (and around the world!) with the message of iWork4Him. However, millions more need to hear the message that their work matters to God and that their workplace is a place of ministry. Would you partner with our ministry for 3 years?

Be 1 of 367.

We are asking 367 iWork4Him listeners/followers to become partners in this ministry by making a commitment of $100 a month for 3 years. It's a big deal, I know. Please pray about it.



Proverbs 22:7 New Living Translation (NLT)

7 Just as the rich rule the poor,

so the borrower is servant to the lender.

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