Deliverance prayers for children and pregnant mothers

Deliverance prayers for children and pregnant mothers

Posted on November 1, 2008 Updated on October 31, 2008

MARK 10:14-16

We often trend to forget that teaching the gospel of deliverance produce greater result in children who are in the tender ages than adults. It is high time you, as a Christian minister or parent, sought for early deliverance of your children or wards before they graduated to “dry fish that cannot be folded.

Luke18:15: “And they brought unto Him infants that he would touch them.

One touch from Jesus was enough to open blind eyes, heal long standing infirmities and set the captives free. No matter the strength or the duration of the bondage, one touch was enough.

 I don’t know what you child needs deliverance from, but one touch from Jesus solve the problem. These prayer points will invite Jesus into your situation to take control. They are designed  for the unborn child as well as young children. Children in the womb can hear and there have been cases where an infirmity like asthma has been traced to the parents fighting while the woman was pregnant.

 Infants and young children need to be prayed for against unfriendly friends and demonic initiation through food. They need to be constantly place under the protection of the blood of Jesus.

 As you use prayer points, your child / children will increase in wisdom and stature, and infavour with God and man” (Luke 2:52)   

 Prayer points

1.       I speak wholeness, soundness and perfection into the heart, eyes ears, skin, bones, teeth of the baby, in the name of Jesus

2.       Let the baby be covered with the blood of Jesus and surrounded by the hedge of divine fire, in the name of Jesus

3.       I disallow the baby from having/accepting any form of infirmity, in the name of Jesus

4.       Let the respiratory, digestive and circulatory system of the baby be normal, strong and health, in the name of Jesus.

5.       You baby, hear the word of the Lord. Your position must be head down at birth, in the name of Jesus. The cord must be the perfect length and position, not around teh baby’s neck, in Jesus name.

6.       O Lord, let the child be save at an early age.

7.       O Lord, let the child be filled with the Holy Spirit even from the womb

 Mountain of Fire Ministries by Daniel Olukoya

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