Depend On God In All Your Battles

Have you ever gotten into a mess because you thought you could handle things in your own way? Then, you finally realized how much you needed to depend on God.

Joshua and the Israelites found themselves in that very situation. Through their experience, we can learn how to follow God’s battle plan no matter the circumstances we face.

Then the Lord said to Joshua, “Do not be afraid or discouraged. Take all your fighting men and attack Ai, for I have given you the king of Ai, his people, his town, and his land. Joshua 8:1

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The Israelites spent forty years in the wilderness. After God stopped the Jordan River, they could finally cross to the other side. They ended one journey only to begin a new one.

After reaching the other side, they now stood on the land God had promised years ago to Abraham. But for them to inhabit this promised land, they needed to depend on God.

Before proceeding, they had to conquer Jericho. But for any chance of penetrating that city’s thick, high walls, they needed to depend on God. They did and then thanked God for their victory.

The Israelites felt good and unstoppable with their first accomplishment. From there, Joshua sent some men to spy out the town of Ai. Upon their return, they reported the following.

There’s no need for all of us to go up there; it won’t take more than two or three thousand men to attack Ai. Since there are so few of them, don’t make all our people struggle to go up there. Joshua 7:3

The Israelites Failed to Depend on God

Why not move forward? In their minds, God had already given them His seal of approval, so why depend on Him anymore? Therefore, in their arrogance, they sent 3000 men to defeat Ai.

Disaster awaited them because of two important barriers. Out of ignorance they were unaware of the sin in the camp. The second one resulted because they didn’t depend on God.

The men of Ai chased the Israelites from the town gate as far as the quarries, and they killed about thirty-six who were retreating down the slope. The Israelites were paralyzed with fear at this turn of events, and their courage melted away. Joshua 7:5

Look at the two qualities they developed: fear and discouragement. Neither of them comes from God. The next time you experience those two characteristics, you better examine your heart.

The victories you won yesterday because of your dependence on the Lord serve as testimonies for today. When we start a new day and face new challenges, we must depend on God all over again.

After their terrible ordeal, Joshua and the Israelites decided to depend on God again. In doing so, the Lord revealed the sin in the camp.

Before the defeat of Jericho, the Lord instructed Joshua that they could not take any of the plunder. A man called Achan took some items, which brought sin into the camp.

They dealt with the sin after they sought God’s guidance. He then encouraged them, and their fear disappeared. This time, the Lord gave them the freedom to take the plunder for themselves. 

Depend on God

Time to Follow God’s Battle Plan

“You will destroy them as you destroyed Jericho and its king. But this time you may keep the plunder and the livestock for yourselves. Set an ambush behind the town.” Joshua 8:2

God will often use our mistakes for our benefit. Just like the Israelites ran from the army of Ai, the first time, they will run from them again. This time under God’s battle plan.

During the night, 30,000 of their best warriors would go out to hide in ambush behind the town. The next morning, the main army would give the look of an attack but then run away.

While we are running from them, you will jump up from your ambush and take possession of the town, for the Lord your God will give it to you. Joshua 8:6-7

They followed God’s battle plan completely. They offered the enemy the same scenario as before. Only this time, they staged an army that acted like they were running for their lives.

They instead allowed the army of Ai to chase them away from the city. The men in ambush held their position until the pursuit took them far enough away from the town.

At that point, Joshua had learned to totally depend on God. Joshua put the second part of the Lord’s plan into action on God’s signal.

Then the Lord said to Joshua, “Point the spear in your hand toward Ai, for I will hand the town over to you.” Joshua did as he was commanded. Joshua 8:18

Depend on God today

We Must Depend on God Daily

We’ve already learned that God can turn our mistakes to our benefit, just as He did in this chapter. But God also has a similar battle plan for us if we will depend on Him.

Even though we battle principalities and powers in the air, the same principle works. The group that distanced itself from the enemy represents you and me.

The group that moved in to conquer Ai represents God. Run from temptation and sin and depend on Him, as God sets our enemy up for defeat. Remember, the battle always belongs to God.

This is what the Lord says: Do not be afraid! Don’t be discouraged by this mighty army, for the battle is not yours, but God’s. You will not even need to fight. Take your positions; then stand still and watch the Lord’s victory. 2 Chronicles 20:15,17

God will fight our battles because we don’t fight against flesh and blood. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, we can fight and win the battle that leads to eternal life.

Fight the good fight for the true faith. Hold tightly to the eternal life to which God has called you. 1 Timothy 6:12

Lord, help us to stay in tune with you and follow your battle plan. And God, we need your Holy Spirit to encourage us to depend on you at all times.

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