Do Not Lose Heart

    Recently, Michael and I were running errands. As we were going through the stores, I saw many who were wearing masks but many were not. And social distancing, for the most part, was being ignored. Although there are differing opinions regarding these extra precautions, if unity of purpose is not universal, then failure chases and nips at the heels of success. Jesus said, “Every kingdom divided against itself is brought to desolation, and every city or house divided against itself will not stand (Matthew 12:25 NKJV).

    There is much uncertainty in today’s world as we see our nation divided. Added to that stress, we are dealing with a pandemic, unusual weather changes and storms, pestilence, food shortages, lost jobs, lost business, lost lives, and much more. However, God’s Word addresses the challenges of this world and makes the following declaration:   

    “Therefore, we do not lose heart.” Even though our outward man is perishing, yettheinward man is being renewed day by day. For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory, while we do not look at the things, which are seen, but at the things, which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal” (II Corinthians 4:16-18).

    To “lose heart” means to become discouraged, demoralized, cast down, depressed, disappointed, dismayed, deterred, intimidated, or crushed. The enemy wants us to lose heart so that we are depressed, doubting God, and losing faith. Conversely, God wants us to have a trusting heart for it is good medicine that makes a cheerful countenance, but a sorrowful heart crushes the spirit (Proverbs 15:33; 17:22).

    The verse, “…we do not lose heart,” is a declarative statement. God did not say, “We should not lose heart.” He makes a declaration that as Christ followers, we DO NOT LOSE HEART. That is part of our re-born DNA. So why do we allow trials and disappointments to dishearten us? Could it be that fissures of fear have formed in our hearts, allowing doubt and unbelief to lodge and contaminate our faith?

    Lately, God has been impressing upon my heart that there is a spirit of fear moving across this nation and the world. It is generating negative thoughts and shaping negative actions that fuel the fear. As I have shared in another blog, Scripture tells us not to fear 365 times, which is an admonition not to fear each day of the year. Fear is destructive and debilitating, because it attacks faith and prevents us from trusting God. 

    God wants us to face trials with confidence that He will take whatever the enemy has intended for evil and work those things together for our good and for the good of those whom we love and keep in our prayers (Romans 8:28). He has promised to give us a hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11). If our carnal eyes focus on a problem, then the enemy has an inroad to our heart. If our spiritual eyes focus on God’s Kingdom and the leading of His Holy Spirit, then faith and trust emerge to conquer darkness and achieve victory over fear.  

    Christians are called to be God’s warriors, standing firm in their relationship with Christ, filled with His Holy Spirit, and clothed with the whole armor of God that they may bring forth His truth and power to a world that is encased in spiritual darkness and driven by carnality.

    Satan’s goal is to make God’s people ineffective through intimidation, discouragement, depression, and fear. The good news is this: God daily calls us to boldly move forward with faith, confidence, and an unfettered trust in His strength and ability to take us through any problem and come out the other side as victors. Why? Because “WE DO NOT LOSE HEART,” and we know that our “INWARD MAN IS BEING RENEWED DAY BY DAY.” That is a fact that we must believe.

    Our hearts can only be strengthened when we apply the deep truths of His Word that instruct, bring revelation, and lovingly correct us. They all are a source of growth in faith and ultimate joy in the One who loves us.

    When I ponder the profound truth that “we do not lose heart,” I am reminded of Corey Ten Boom, a Dutch Christian watchmaker and author of The Hiding Place, who suffered unspeakable atrocities in Hitler’s Ravensbruck Concentration Camp. Yet in all her suffering, she never lost heart and chose to trust God. And that unmovable trust in Him delivered her from the enemy. 

    Yes, there will be those times when we struggle not to “lose heart,” but God assures us that He built inside of our re-born heart a profound and settled truth that “we do not lose heart.” Therefore, it becomes a matter of what we choose to believe. Will we believe God’s truth that we are confident overcomers, or will we accept Satan’s lie that we are weak, broken, and cast down? As we daily live and walk in God’s truths and believe that we are victorious through Christ, our hearts will learn to trust God, regardless of the circumstances.

    PRAYER: FATHER, You, who are sovereign, embedded my heart with DNA that tells me “not to lose heart.” As I daily walk in Your truth, help me to trust You that I may continue to grow in faith, regardless of circumstances. I thank you that I need not fear, because when I trust You, Your perfect love comforts me as You lead, guide, and direct my steps each day. In Jesus’s name, amen. 

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