Do We Always Need a Talking Donkey? –

    Then the Lord gave the donkey the ability to speak. “What have I done to you that deserves your beating me three times?” it asked Balaam. Numbers 22:28 NLT

    What is described in the Bible is not always prescribed for Christians in every situation.

    We all know the story of Balaam, the Prophet of God, who the King of Moab hires to curse Israel. Balaam is riding a donkey on his journey, and the Lord puts an Angel in their way, which can only be seen by the donkey. Balaam beats the donkey three times to get it to move. The Lord gives the donkey a voice to speak.

    Thank God for supernatural moments, but much of the Bible is about ordinary people in mundane situations. When you come to know someone, or God for that matter, as you spend time with them, you learn how they think, feel, and act. You do not always need a miraculous moment for God to speak to you. Most of the time, God speaks to us through his Word, our mind’s eye, or a combination thereof. The problem is that we are looking for God to speak to us in the supernatural, and he is trying to reveal himself through natural means like prayer, Bible reading, and meditation.

    Do you remember Elijah in 1 Kings 19:12-13 when God brought a great wind, an earthquake, and fire, but God was not in it? Then came a gentle whisper, and God was in it. He gave Elijah his answer. Elijah had to wait on the Lord. The dilemma is that we, too, infrequently, in our fast-paced world, get quiet enough to hear that still small voice. God always takes notice when we discipline ourselves to be alone with him. When you are alone with God, with the Bible in hand, praying and asking the Holy Spirit to reveal the meaning of the scriptures to you, don’t be surprised if you get an understanding of a Bible verse that you have never had. The written Word is quickened to your mind and heart and becomes the living Word, and you know God like you have never known him. Revelation from God from his Word is naturally supernatural. You will never have a better experience with God, not even with a talking donkey.

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    Ken Barnes, the author of  “The Chicken Farm and Other Sacred Places”  YWAM Publishing and Broken Vessels through Kindle Direct Publishing.
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