Essence of Christianity: What does it mean to follow Jesus?

Essence of Christianity: What does it mean to follow Jesus?

Posted on September 17, 2015

soul winning evangelism

Mark 1 vs 17: “Follow me, and I will make you become fishers of men.”

  1. The essence of Christianity is to primarily do the work of the Evangelist, every other thing becomes secondary.
  2. If you make yourself a follower of Christ, you should therefore be willing to trained by the Holy Spirit to bring others into following Christ.
  3. Following Jesus, without fishing for men is not an option, an act of disobedience, and may infact be a sin.
  4. Decide today not only to follow Jesus, but also to fish for men and women

I receive the grace to fish for the kingdom in Jesus name

Babatope Babalobi  + 2348035897435

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This entry was posted in Salvation and tagged Bible. christianity, Christ, Evangelism, God, Heaven, hell, Jesus, obedience to christ, Salvation.

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