Essence of daily morning prayers for Christians

Essence of daily morning prayers for Christians

Posted on May 29, 2015

Early morning family prayers have been an old practice, but dying away in many homes. Why should Christian homes uphold this tradition? Why should we seek the presence of God daily, early in the morning?

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well – Mathew 6 vs 33

  1. It’s a way of acknowledging that God is your Creator.
  2. It fulfills the scriptural injunction to seek God first, before other ye first
  3. It shows appreciation to God for protecting you when you are sleeping during the night. Your God does not sleep nor slumber.
  4. It is a way committing your ways and plans for the new day to God.
  5. It helps build your spiritual life.
  6. It’s an apt time to gather together as a family before the feet of Jesus.
  7. It’s a time to resolve family conflicts, instruct children, and find solutions to household problems using scriptures.
  8. It is a moment to thank God for another bright new day.
  9. It helps to inspire and motivate you for the day using the word of God.
  10. Morning prayers wades off the evil of the day.
  11. It attracts the presence of God to your family for the new day.
  12. It’s a time for confession of sins of the previous day.

Babatope Babalobi +2348035897435

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