Even There: Life's Unexpected Path

I gave the airline crew member my best eye roll. The carry-on size limit had changed, and I now had to check the luggage I thought was legal.  

“How was I supposed to know this?” I complained, thinking about my favorite shoes that I left behind to avoid the checked luggage fee.

“Our carry-on size policy has changed, and you can find these updates on our website,” the crew member said patiently, a rigid smile on their face. I considered debating this baggage issue but quickly realized it would be pointless, so I kept my thoughts to myself. 

“As if I check your airline's website daily for updates on the latest carry-on luggage sizing!” I quietly seethe inside.

My frustration simmered as I watched the crew member attach a luggage tag to the handle and set it aside. I paid the checked luggage fee and found a place to wait until they called for boarding. 

As I settled into my seat on the plane and fastened my seatbelt, a wave of exhaustion washed over me. This tiredness, sparked by my unexpected luggage fiasco, prompted me to reflect on the true source of my fatigue: I had recently taken on the role of my mom's caregiver, and, much like the luggage issue, I hadn’t been fully prepared for it. 

This isn’t the first time I’ve been caught off guard by an unexpected life change, but I’ve always managed to rally and find my footing. However, this time, I wasn’t sure I could handle the role of caregiver, and I certainly didn’t meet the requirements. I wasn’t prepared to face the unpredictability of the position. Suddenly, I felt abandoned and devoid of His presence. Was I expected to navigate this darkness of caregiving all on my own?

I turn my face toward the plane window as tears escape, and I let them come, all the irritation and tiredness of my unexpected role streaming down my cheeks. I had high hopes that this trip would be restful, and I longed for that, but honestly, it was off to a rough start.

“Child,” Jesus gently addresses my weariness. “Just because you face an unexpected moment in life, it doesn't mean my presence has abandoned you, for there is nowhere you go that it does not follow you.”

The words of Psalm 139:10 (NLT) come to my mind: “Even there, Your hand will guide me, and Your strength will support me.” 

Even there, I will steer you along the path designated for you. Even there, I will offer the support and strength needed to fulfill your calling. Even there, in this unexpected journey, I will guide you as you discover your identity in Me. Even there, when facing unexpected ‘luggage changes,’ My blessing will consistently be upon you. Even there, in the face of uncertainty, you will find peace in every unknown step.”  

“And Child,” He says, “just so you know, nothing is ever unforeseen or unexpected, and nothing surprises Me.”

“I know, Jesus, you’re right,” I reply, nodding slowly. I acknowledge His gentle reminder that more unanticipated moments will arise. They may catch me off guard, but they won’t be unexpected for Him.   

Even there,” I remark as I watch the airline ground crew start loading luggage. My suitcase is carelessly thrown into the cargo hold. I simply shrug and chuckle to myself.

The plane departs from the terminal, taxis to the runway, and lifts off. As we begin to ascend, my tension eases.

“We have reached cruising altitude,” the pilot announces. I glance out the window at the vast landscape below. It's another breathless, unexpected moment. Even there, I am in awe and at peace.

“Jesus,” I say. “I hope it’s alright to bring this up, but I’m going to miss those shoes that didn’t fit in my suitcase.”  

Even there,” He responds.


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    Sheryl Fish

    After living 40-plus years with the challenges of an incurable disease and the demands of caregiving elder parents, Sheryl is confident that what was gleaned through these experiences can encourage and build up others in difficult places. Sheryl enjoys coming alongside others as a Bible study teacher, facilitator, or mentor and is committed to searching scripture and pointing others to Jesus Christ. She may refer to herself as a late bloomer, but Sheryl strongly believes there is never a wrong time to say yes to God and sincerely believes that a dream to write has been planted in her for this season.