God Sees America, The Land that I Love - Today Can Be Different

    How have you been affected by the chaos going on in the world? As wars escalate, racial tensions increase and the political divide seems to widen, it’s hard not to feel apprehensive.

    Do you wonder what to do with your thoughts, your days – your life? What changes should we make in our priorities? Should we keep working, playing, dieting …praying?

    Let’s begin with a comforting verse. In the book of Genesis, a woman named Hagar described God as, “a God who sees me” (Genesis 16:13 NASB).

    With all the instability going on, I need to know – to remember – that not only does God see all the chaos, He’s also the God Who sees me. And thankfully, He’s the God Who sees America, the land that I love.

    He sees our fears, confusion, hurt and anger. He sees each of us individually. And He sees us as a nation. Though He grieves for us, He hasn’t given up on us.

    I’ve been praying more for God to increase our desire for Him and to give us (individually and as a country) the wisdom to go to Him with our needs and our fears.

    As we celebrate America’s 247th birthday, let’s live as if we truly believe God sees us – especially now. I’d like to think that the more we become conscious of an all-powerful God’s presence, He’ll reveal Himself in ways we can’t deny, even in our daily activities, including the way we handle our political differences.

    As a result, . . .

    • Maybe we’ll work harder to protect our freedoms by voting more responsibly, respecting our flag and praying for our leaders.
    • And rather than complaining and blaming one another, perhaps we’ll work together to find solutions for our country’s problems.

    Subsequently, we – and the world – might look at America differently.

    Becoming more aware of God’s presence may well change our thoughts and biases about one another. May the God Who sees us find millions of His children interceding for those who have been hurt by wars, racial tensions and political divides.

    Finally, may lives, not only in our nation, but throughout the world, be changed because of what our all-seeing God is doing (and will continue to do) in America – the land that I love.

    What do you think?

    I’d love to hear your thoughts about this post. (Others might also benefit from your comment.)

    • How have you been affected by the chaos going on in the world and in our country?
    • How would America be different if we lived as if we really believed God sees us, including our fears, confusion, hurt and anger?

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