Image by Pete Linforth via Pixabay

Individuals are getting hacked all the time these days, especially on social media. I know my Facebook account got hacked once. Just the other day, a friend told me someone, or a group, got into her “X” (formally Twitter) account. There is even a company now you can pay to try to guard you against hackers getting your personal information and securing loans or, worse, draining your bank accounts.

A few years ago, I took a nap on a Saturday. When I woke, I looked at my phone and saw an email from my bank. I had set up a “Withdrawal Alert” whenever more than a set amount came out of any of my accounts. The email informed me that $9000 had been transferred from my savings. I immediately called the bank and told them I didn’t do it and didn’t authorize it. They finally stopped treating me like a criminal, a “guilty” party, after two hours. I told them the people responsible were tied to the account where the money went. I got the money back, and I have greater security today.

But what happens when someone’s heart gets hacked? What do I mean by that? An individual, perhaps raised in a church, knows right from wrong and believes in God even, but Satan found a way into their heart and, as a result, into their life. His presence in their heart could cause them to act in a way that is no longer pleasing to God. It could cause them to say and do things that are not right. You don’t think it could happen? What about Judas?

Judas was one of Jesus’ disciples. He heard the teachings and saw the miracles. In fact, he probably had a front-row seat. I can only guess he was in attendance every time.

Judas Iscariot, one of his disciples, even then getting ready to betray him, said, “Why wasn’t this oil sold and the money given to the poor? It would have easily brought three hundred silver pieces.” He said this not because he cared two cents about the poor but because he was a thief. He was in charge of their common funds, but also embezzled them. John 12:4-6 (MSG)

Jesus said, “The one to whom I give this crust of bread after I’ve dipped it.” Then he dipped the crust and gave it to Judas, son of Simon the Iscariot. As soon as the bread was in his hand, Satan entered him.

“What you must do,” said Jesus, “do. Do it and get it over with.” John 13:26-27 (MSG)

See, the scriptures point out that Satan “hacked” into Judas’ heart. He found a way in, and he caused Judas to betray Jesus. The sad end to Judas’ life is he knew he had sinned. He gave the money back to the priests, well, tried to. They didn’t want it because they knew it was now dirty. After Judas did this act, he judged himself and committed suicide. I know that if he had gone to Jesus and asked for forgiveness, Jesus would have done so.

If we claim that we’re free of sin, we’re only fooling ourselves. A claim like that is errant nonsense. On the other hand, if we admit our sins—simply come clean about them—he won’t let us down; he’ll be true to himself. He’ll forgive our sins and purge us of all wrongdoing. If we claim that we’ve never sinned, we out-and-out contradict God—make a liar out of him. A claim like that only shows off our ignorance of God. 1 John 1:9-10 (MSG)

Guard your heart by guarding your mind. Bring every thought into captivity. For what you think, you begin to believe. And what you believe, you start to speak and act upon. Don’t let your heart get hacked. You won’t be guilty, and your life will be “locked,” secured for eternity.

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