How To Bring Laughter Back Into Our Marriage - Today Can Be Different

    You’re angry. He’s angry. What’s new? It’s been a long time since you’ve enjoyed each other’s company.

    When was the last time you really laughed with your spouse? You can almost hear Tom Hanks’ voice paraphrasing his famous line from “A League of Their Own,” “There’s no laughter in marriage!”

    But what if the laughter in your marriage really was gone?

    All love … gone.

    All kindness … gone.

    • Imagine what it would be like if we all stopped believing the best of each other.
    • If we reached the point in our relationships (and in society) where we gave up on one another?

    Worst …

    • What if our heavenly Father completely withdrew His kindness from you and me?
    • What if He said, “Enough is enough”?

    Have you ever considered how often God’s kindness has kept you from messing up your life? How often His unending and unbending compassion has kept you safe at the cliff’s edge?

    Read this section of Romans 2:4 (AMP):

    God’s kindness leads you to repentance [that is, to change your inner self, your old way of thinking—seek His purpose for your life].

    God’s compassion (not His anger) leads us away from our sinful paths.

    What if we appreciated our heavenly Father’s mercy so much that it became the motivation for all we did? All we hoped to become? All we are to become?

    How would showing this same kind of love toward our spouse (or someone else) affect them?

    Just as God’s loving-kindness leads us to turn our back on harmful behavior and choose a better path, our words and acts of kindness could encourage someone we care about to make better choices. And when we extend the same grace God extends to us, our hearts experience joy because we know we’ve honored and imitated God.

    I never feel happy when I’m mean to someone. I never go to bed at night glad I disrespected my husband. Meanness never enhances a relationship. Disrespect never endears someone to us – or us to ourselves. Not ever.

    Loving kindness, on the other hand, could help us enjoy each other’s company again – and cause us to look for the good in them.

    Extending the same grace God extends to us could be the very thing that brings laughter back into our marriages.

    What about you?

    I’d love to hear your thoughts about this post. (Your comment might also benefit others.)

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