How to Increase Your Faith in the New Year

    Faith, Living Abundantly

    Well here we are almost a month into the New Year.  Many of us may have set personal goals and

    intentions.We may have chosen a word for the year.   BUT how many of us are still going strong with

    those goals and intentions?  If you do a quick Google search, you find that only about 9% of people carry

    out their New Year's resolutions for the whole year.  On the flip side, 43% quit by the end of January. 

    I would contend that when we are trying to reach these New Year’s personal goals and intentions in

    our own strength, we most likely will fail to succeed in staying the course throughout the year. 

    However, when we rely on the Holy Spirit and set spiritual goals and intentions, we will find that

    the personal and physical goals will come naturally.  

    But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, 

    and all these things will be added to you. 

    Matthew 6:33

    I believe that faith in God is the driver of all that we think, say and do.  What if we set our spiritual

    intention for 2024 to increase our faith.  You might be thinking, “Oh, I know what happens when you

    pray for more faith, YOU GET TESTED!  Not sure I’m looking for more tests in the New Year.” 

    Same!  Yet when we really reflect on Scripture and the Bible as a whole, we see testing in a positive

    light.  When a person physically trains, their muscles get stronger and they are able to complete with

    great success that which they are training towards.  In the same way, when our faith is tested, we

    spiritually train by relying on the Holy Spirit where our strength is found. In each test of faith, we will

    find ourselves more and more at peace.

    Count it all joy, my brothers,when you meet trials of various kinds for you know that the testing of

    your faith produces steadfastness when you meet trials of various kindsfor you know that the testing of your faith produces

    steadfastness. And let steadfastness have its full effect, that

    you may be perfect and complete,

    lacking in nothing.

     James 1:2-4

     Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive

    the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love him.   

    James 1:12

    Let’s take a look at the following “painless” ways to increase our faith in the New Year.  When they are

    done with intention and habitually, they will create muscle memory for our next test of faith.

    Increase Your Faith by Visiting the “Hebrews Hall of Faith”

    The Hebrews “Hall of Faith” is a historical account of Old Testament saints who were obedient to God’s

    call on their lives and who did so with great courage and trust.  They believed God’s promises and His

    Word.  These Scripture verses not only provide great Biblical history, but they also provide us with great

    encouragement and inspiration for our own faith walk. Time and again God showed Himself faithful as

    He worked in those Old Testament Believers to obey, setting an example for us of what trusting a good

    and faithful God looks like and how God responds.  What God did for them is just as true for us today.  
    The Psalms of King David showcase the faith struggle in a Believer’s life.  David would speak of his

    anxiety in a situation, but then he would remember God’s past faithfulness and focus on that believing

    he would be delivered again by His faithful God.  There were times when David didn’t have anything to

    draw from in his own life, so instead he remembered what God did when He rescued the Israelites from

    Pharaoh drawing on God’s faithful nature. 

    I took a page from King David’s Psalms during my very difficult 2022/2023 which featured all manner

    of serious trials.  I prayed and believed that just as God had delivered me before, He would do so again,

    and He did!  It might not have always looked like I had envisioned my deliverance to look, BUT His

    plan for deliverance was better than my plan for He is ALWAYS looking out for our spiritual best for He

    is our good, good Father.  I know He will do the same for you!

    Increase Your Faith by Personally Journaling God’s Faithfulness

    Much like the Biblical “Hall of Faith”, we all have our own personal “halls of faith”.   Journaling is a

    way to record and remember how God has been faithful to us.   There are many ways to journal and

    different purposes for journaling, but by personalizing God’s faithfulness through journaling I believe

    we will see a spiritual connection to all the other reasons we might journal.

    This last year I was faced with not one, but TWO biopsies dealing with different systems of the body,

    yet both areas for biopsy were biopsied before.  I also had to have a CT scan of yet another system of my

    body unrelated to the two biopsies.  To be completely transparent, I was very anxious about the results

    of all three.  Even though the last time those areas were biopsied/scanned the results were benign AND

    the likelihood of me having the latest biopsies/scans be of concern were slim to none, I found myself

    worrying - A LOT.  But then I kept remembering God’s faithfulness to me before and that if He did it

    then He would do it again.  And He did!  Not only in the results, but I started to feel more at peace

    about all of it and wasn’t thinking about it as much or letting it drag me down.

    Be encouraged, having a journal like this will indeed remind you of ALL that God has done for you. 

    If you haven’t journaled before, start recording all that you can remember of God’s faithfulness to you

    and then from this point on, be intentional about recording God’s faithfulness.  You will find your faith

    increasing by leaps and bounds.

    Increase Your Faith by Recording Your Anxious Thoughts

    You might be thinking, why do I want to remember when I’ve been anxious or what I was anxious

    about??  Bear with me…  

    Psychology Today wrote an article about a Penn State University study whose participants wrote down

    things they were worried about.  After 30 days 91% of what the participants worried about were false

    alarms.  Of the 9% whose worries came true, the outcome was better than expected about a third of the

    time.  For one in four participants zero of what they worried about came to be.

    Satan is the father of lies and when we allow ourselves to believe the lies and worry, we are taking our

    focus off of the Truth of who God is and what He can do and placing them squarely on a lie. Instead,
    we need to “take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5. If you're,
    like me, you may worry or be anxious about things over and over again - different month/different year. 

    Yet when we record our worries and then go back and record how they never came to fruition or how it

    actually played out, imagine how much that would increase our faith and squelch the lies from rearing

    their ugly heads over and over again.

    Increase Your Faith When Your Faith is Tested

    Tests to our faith are actually opportunities.  It’s all about perspective.  Instead of lamenting the test,
    praise the Test-Administrator.  When you think about tests that you take in school or at college or in a
    job, you aren’t given the answers by the test administrator.  They don’t even help you with the test,
    BUT our Test-Administrator not only helps us with the test He is right there with us strengthening us
    and taking the test with us!  How amazing is that!!  God doesn’t set us up for failure He sets us up for
    success!  You will find your faith increasing!

    We are forgetful creatures, aren’t we?  The Bible is replete with stories where people who actually
    witnessed right before their eyes God’s faithfulness and His works, when faced with the same situation
    again, would forget and cry out to God in fear and worry.  We are no different.  Yet, if you’re like me,
    the act of writing down something imprints it on your brain.  Maybe God wired us that way for a reason. 

    Maybe that reason, like the writers of the Bible who were inspired by God to write, is to imprint upon

    our hearts ALL that God has done for us already and to imprint upon our hearts ALL that God will do for us

    in the future.  Reading what was written down already by the saints of old and then writing down our

    own faith stories will increase our faith in the New Year and for years to come.

    "This article first appeared on, January 29, 2024"

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