How to Pass the Torch—September 10 Bible Reading Plan - Denise Pass

How to Pass the Torch

How to Pass the Torch

How to Pass the Torch

How are you passing the torch down? Do those behind you know it’s time for them to take the torch and run? Or are they surprised? When we live what we speak, others can follow our lead better. And with intentionality and order, the way is clearer. How to pass the torch down might look different to each one, but transferring our heart and wisdom will help to give them the strength to pick up their torch with passion.

Bible Reading of the Day: 1 Chronicles 26-29

David is passing the torch to his son, Solomon. Solomon was to build the temple and lead God’s people. In 1 Chronicles 26, there is the numbering of the temple guards, who had an important part of worship, as well as the Levites did. The officials of the temple come next and then in 1 Chronicles 27 is the organization of other leaders.

How to Pass the Torch—In an Orderly Manner

God is a God of order. He always has a purpose much deeper than what we think on the surface. In 1 Chronicles 28 are the final preparations for the temple. David had plans already drawn up. He was not leaving a mess in Solomon’s hands. When we guide those entrusted to our care, may we do so in an orderly and clear manner so they know how to walk with God.

David wanted to build the Temple, but he was not God’s choice. Solomon was. But think about that for a minute. David had committed adultery with Bathsheba, killed her husband, and then a child they would have later would be blessed. God is such a good, kind God. Our mistakes He weaves into something beautiful.

Scripture of the Day:  1 Chronicles 28:9-10

9 “And Solomon, my son, learn to know the God of your ancestors intimately. Worship and serve him with your whole heart and a willing mind. For the Lord sees every heart and knows every plan and thought. If you seek him, you will find him. But if you forsake him, he will reject you forever. 10 So take this seriously. The Lord has chosen you to build a Temple as his sanctuary. Be strong, and do the work.”

How to Pass the Torch—with intentionality

Sometimes when we pass the torch down, we don’t leave explicit instructions. Those behind us can fumble and not know how to carry on the work of God as we try to pass our legacy down to them.

But David tells Solomon to serve God with his whole heart and a willing mind. He is telling Solomon to be intentional in his relationship with God. That he will be accountable to God who sees and knows all. Then he tells him to be strong.

David also served by example. He made his mistakes, but he also was a man after God’s own heart. By showing and telling Solomon how to live, the way was clear.


  • When we pass the torch, will our kids know what we said or what we did?
  • May our words and deeds match so those who come behind us will know how to walk in truth.

7-Fold One-Year Bible Reading Plan

Day #254: 1 Chronicles 26-29

Scripture of the Day: 1 Chronicles 28:9-10


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