Is It Too Loud?

Photo by: Anthony via

I know a lady who was once asked to find another church by the pastor’s wife! Why? Allegedly, her worship was too loud. Perhaps the “offender” took attention away from the pastor’s wife’s own loud worship, but I am not sure. Regardless, it was wrong. The lady was devested. When I got to talk to her about the situation, she said she couldn’t help her worship being that loud. She went on to share that if people knew the kind of life God saved her from, they would understand why her worship, praise, and gratitude to God were so exuberant.

Does our praise and witness of God’s love turn people off? Does it cause them not to want to be around us or in any way be like us? Does that list include friends and family members?

Like the lady above, Paul was loud about preaching the good news. About the saving grace of God. Paul knew the love of God and the sacrifice of Jesus, and he wanted everyone else to know too. He, also, was appreciative of the life Jesus saved him from. To quiet him down, he was beaten and thrown into prison. Fortunately for us, while he was there, he let his pen do the talking and, while in one prison after another, wrote most our New Testament.

We certainly don’t want to water down our witness, especially to please people, but I think there is a way to balance it out where they want to be around us. We need them to be with us so they can feel the love of God through us. I know Jesus had this balance down pat. People flocked around him because he was full of the Holy Spirit. He spoke words of love. It didn’t hurt that he performed miracles too. And we can do the same. Jesus even said in John 14, verse 12:

I assure you, most solemnly I tell you, if anyone steadfastly believes in Me, he will himself be able to do the things that I do; and he will do even greater things than these, because I go to the Father. (AMPC)

So seek a balance with the volume of your witnessing life. Know your audience. Know when to turn it up and when to perhaps press mute and let your actions speak louder than words. I once led my neighbors to God by caring about them and, with my actions, doing what I could do to help them. It wasn’t long before the man of the house asked, “Why are you so different?” That’s when I turned up the volume and shared the good news of the saving grace of God that changes us.

Copyright © 2023 Mark Brady. All rights reserved.

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