Lessons from Daniel: How to live a good and godly life

Lessons from Daniel: How to live a good and godly life

Posted on June 5, 2015

Daniel 1 vs 8: But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would defile himself with the portion of the Kings meat

Ezra 7 vs 10: For Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the law of the LORD, and to do it, and to teach in Israel statutes and judgments

   By Babatope Babalobi

  1. The way God created us, he gave us both the freewill to decide between right and wrong, as well as the power of choice.
  2. Your heart is the engine room of your decisions, and you can either win or lose the battle for righteousness and sin from your heart.
  3. Daniel for shook the opulence of the royal court, and lived a life of sacrifice. His reward waited for him in the future as he was made the Prime Minister of the whole Province of Babylon.Image result for daniel purposed in his heart
  4. You can purpose in your heart to have ‘fun’ through illicit sex; and you can also purpose in your heart that you will not defile your body which is the temple of God through premarital sex or extra marital sex.
  5. You can purpose in your heart to make money in your work place through illegitimate means in order to increase your income; you can also purpose in your heart to live sacrificially on your legitimate income.
  6. You can purpose in your heart to honour God with your tithes; you can also purpose in your heart to spend your tithes on the pleasures and luxuries of this world.
  7. You can purpose in your heart to join a secret society, to patronise a diviner, or make covenant with Satan in order to acquire a position, status, or riches of this world; you can also purpose in your heart to hold on to God, the great provider.
  8. You can purpose in your heart to make it on earth through all means fair or foul; and you can also purpose in your heart that you want to make it on heart through righteousness and holiness.
  9. You can purpose in your heart to improve your skills, work hard, be diligent in order to be successful; you can also purpose in your heart to be lazy, and indolent believing manna will fall from heaven.
  10. You can purpose in your heart to serve Satan and make hell; and you can purpose in your heart to serve God and make heaven.

Babatope Babalobi +2348035897435 babalobi@yahoo.com@babalobi

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This entry was posted in Christianity and tagged Babatope Babalobi, Bible, Chrstian, daniel, God, godliness, Jesu, Jesus.

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