Lessons Learned in 3D — Mama’s Heart

    Mommy’s Day is this weekend.  We will be heading south to celebrate 3 heroic Cuban matriarchs — I am well-loved and spoiled by these amazing women.  How does one repay such sacrifice?  I pray daily that God helps me to walk firmly in their footsteps — to live with their passion, their unending energy, and their wisdom.  I must keep seeking to learn from their example.

    Here are 10 things this “mom in training” learned this week:

    1.  One does not need to physically birth a child to be a mother.  Amy at “The Messy Middle” outlined the “wide continuum of mothering” so beautifully.  This weekend, I hope to honor my “spiritual mothers” as well as my birth mom.

    2.  I need to be intentional about reaching out to and praying for my friends whose moms have passed away.  Jessica at “Hand Me Down Grace” wrote an insightful, poignant post titled “25 Truths Every (Motherless) Daughter Needs to Know”:

    “Remember that you are not alone.

    We are a rare sisterhood.

    I’m holding your hand

    and I’m going to squeeze hard when this road gets rough.”

    3.  God loves a teachable spirit.  Jessica at “Adjusting to the World”  made me cry with her big mama’s heart.  She is learning, and I am thankful that she shared her story so that I could learn, too.  Grab your tissue and read “To My Free-Spirited Daughter.” 

    4.  God’s grace extends to the darkest corners — I am called to be His ambassador of grace.  Will I be a willing servant?  Emily’s post challenged me with her Letter to Dr. Gosnell on Mother’s Day.

    5.  Going on a missions trip helps to clarify my foggy perspective of reality.  Michelle reminded me by sharing her dad’s visit to Haiti.  I am called to make a difference.  Christ moved to meet the needs of the hurting, and so must I.

    6.  The winner for best Facebook status this week goes to The High Calling:

    Moms, we must remember that our work is not glamorous, but that doesn’t make it less God-breathed. Whether you’ve changed diapers, sat in the carpool line or tried squeezing homework in between work and dinner (or between bath and bed), your work matters. When you’re dropping off the truck at the mechanic or taken a pet to the vet, God blesses your service to your family. And you there, staring into the refrigerator or into the (bare) cupboard wondering what in the world you’re going to make for dinner? God sees you.

    7.  Mentoring is an eternal investment.  Dallas Willard was ushered home into glory this week.  I read many tribute articles written in his honor, but none touched me more than this one written by Richard Foster for Christianity Today.  I think the sub-title provides a beautiful portrait: 

    “He taught me to live into the rhythms of the Spirit.”

    8.  Best quote heard this week:

    “Addiction is ultimately a disorder of worship.”

    — Ed Welch

    as quoted by Lisa Harper in Session 7 of her Malachi Study

    9.  This tweet from Rick Warren encouraged me this week:

    God’s Comfort to Bipolars: “Neither HEIGHTS nor DEPTHS can separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus” Rom 8:39

    — Rick Warren (@RickWarren) May 7, 2013

    10. Karaoke is fun.  My best friend shared this video with me, and I had to pass this little gem on to you:

    Q4U: What did you learn this week?

    Thanks for stopping by! I would love to connect with you on Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest.

    I am joining Jesse and friends this weekend for

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