Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts... And be thankful.

We're approaching Thanksgiving!  Seems time has flown!  Lots to be thankful for as this year winds down, despite this crazy, chaotic world and all of its bad news! 

In such turbulent times, our center and stronghold in Christ and his promises guides us and stabilizes us.  The world's news is not our news.  He is our victory and supply and future.  He is our right now promise.  His peace is to rule in our hearts!  With Him as our Good Shepherd, we lack nothing!  He alone is our reason to be thankful, even if all we would have on our table this Thanksgiving were a dry crust.

Better a dry crust with peace and quiet than a house full of feasting, with strife.- Proverbs 17:1

His Peace is a precious gift, such a gift that it is to be chosen over a house of feasting with strife. It's time to be a peacemaker when so many are quick to offense and argument.  I speak this to myself as much as to you.  Should we engage in that political discussion? How should we reply to that relative who is bitter and miserable?  Are we bringing peace to the discussion, to table of fellowship? 

Meditate on Proverbs 17:1 and Colossians 3:15 as you approach a season of gathering with family.  Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts in these gatherings.  Be prayed up before you go!  Let others know why Christ's peace satisfies your deepest needs, and fills you in a way nothing and no one else can!  


ON to some updates!  It's been about a month since you last got an email or blog from me.  Things have been busy; and ministry fruitful!  Podcast listenership continues to grow!  I traveled to Iowa and held my first in-person group session in over 2 years!  What a blessing it was!  Witnessed on flights going out and coming back!  That's a whole blog on it's own!  But know that the meditation event that I put together (Prayer Rhythms) was wonderful!  God spoke and ministered deeply and sweetly to participants!  I'll be holding that session for another private group first week of December!  Oh how I have missed in-person ministry!  (If you have interest in in-person private group sessions, please reply to this email.)

And look for an email on some online sessions upcoming for PRAYER RHYTHMS!

In addition, social media reach is still a wilderness to navigate, but since it is where so many people are "gathering", I'm believing God for breakthrough!  I keep hearing whispers and promptings from the Spirit to not give up, but boy is there so much to learn!  Pray for reach and breakthrough!  It takes a lot of time and energy!  But I believe the whispers and victory is coming!

My "every day" includes writing, recording, editing audio, creating social media images and posts, praying for and connecting with people online, learning social media, etc.  The days fly by!  Also every Friday, I'm still doing a live prayer broadcast with Cheryl Wells (sweet friend, ministry partner, and our Board Chair).  

Have you listened to the podcast of late?  Over the last many weeks, I've been recording a series on the Holy Spirit (starting with episode 399).  It is still going!  There is so many scriptures about His role in our faith life!  Many of us need to connect with the Holy Spirit on deeper levels, acknowledging His role.  He is One of the Trinity, not an it.  I pray you listen to one or all of the 19 sessions so far!  Here is some detail from the first handful of episodes, but know today was episode 418, so this is just a sampling!  Access the podcast on any podcast app or listen from the podcast tab.

  • Episode 399- For today's breath prayer and silence exercise, we are focusing on the creative, supernatural work of the Holy Spirit. Listen in for the role of the Holy Spirit to execute God's Word and shine light from within darkness. It is a supernatural work for transformation that only the Spirit of God can produce. He is your path to peace and hope and life and power. Press in! Please share with a friend!
  • Episode 402- Very often we will question what God's will is for us throughout our time here on earth. We need answers that come from the Holy Spirit. So today is an opportunity to practice a spirit-filled prayer request pulled directly from scripture. Listen in for this Spirit-filled prayer language; and position with expectation on Spirit filled answers. Practice praying it over yourself and others; and stay to the end to hear more Spirit inspired scripture prayed over you! Please share with a friend! Blessings!
  • Episode 403- Today is a little different, a first hand account of a miraculous healing experienced by a woman I met at the end of 2020.  She suffered tortuous pain (from an incurable disease) for over 6 years with it progressing to a point of not being able to care for herself at all, or sleep!  There were no medicines that brought relief.  Despite it all, she never wavered that Jesus would heal her!  Listen in as she describes how her faith brought her through, how the Word of God was her stronghold, and how the real healing came in a way no one expected.  Be blessed and stick around to the end to receive a prayer of healing!
  • Episode 404- Renew a right spirit within me- Daily we need renewal. Daily we need the power of God's life and Spirit to "right" us. Using your breath and the simple, but powerful prayer phrase from Psalm 51:10 you'll call on the Holy Spirit to renew you. Memorize this breath prayer to incorporate it into your every day language. Pray it in moments where you need to center yourself and call upon His life and power. The Holy Spirit promises supernatural renewal. Not our power, but His power renewing us. Release striving and come into and under the power of God's promises. Ask to be made new by the Holy Spirit of Jesus. Please share with a friend who needs to experience the promises and peace of Jesus.

It's been a 12 hour day at this point, so time to sign off!  If this ministry is a blessing to you, will you please consider making a donation?  We are asking God for more reach, but our budget is limited.  Twitter advertisements cost minimum of $50.  Instagram ads are a minimum of $20.  Facebook ads are a minimum of $25.  All of these are minimal reach, but we have seen success!  Additionally, some technology updates are needed.  As well, annual fees are approaching.  So we would be so appreciative of one-time gifts or new monthly supporters!  Thank you for praying about supporting our mission to help people linger longer with God, resourcing the earnest to draw near and know Christ!  

Have a blessed Thanksgiving as you rejoice in the goodness of God and the peace of Christ!

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