Live in the Lord, Walk in Newness of Life
The temple being the Lord God the Almighty and the Lamb [Rev. 21:22] signifies the processed Triune God as a dwelling place for all the redeemed and perfected saints to dwell in and serve God in eternity. Moses had this realization. In Deuteronomy 33:27 he said, “The God of old is your habitation,” and in Psalm 90:1 he said, “O Lord, You have been our dwelling place in all generations.” This indicates that while Moses was traveling in the wilderness with the children of Israel, according to his deep feeling he was dwelling in God.*
The Lord Jesus, referring to His soon coming death and resurrection, said “because I live, you also shall live. In that day you will know that I am in My Father, and you in Me, and I in you” (John 14:19-20). This is the Christian life—He lives in us and we live in Him, both in this age and in the fullness of New Jerusalem.
Romans 6:2-6 says we have been baptized into His death and we have been raised with Him “we might walk in newness of life.” In the Greek New Testament there are multiple words for life. Newness of life in 6:4 is the zoe (ζωη) life, the eternal life of the Lord’s resurrection. This is different from the psuche (ψυχη) life, our natural psychological life.
The Lord asked us to deny our psuche life and follow Him (Matt. 16:24). To follow Him is to walk in newness of zoe life. To deny our soul life is to deny our self and to live “in newness of spirit” (Rom. 7:6). At present the denying is an exercise carried our intermittently but in New Jerusalem we will be completely in the Lord’s newness, absolutely living the zoe life.
* Life-Study of the New Testament, Conclusion Messages: The Church, the Kingdom, and the New Jerusalem, message 262, p. 2731, by Witness Lee. Published 1998 and © by Living Stream Ministry, Anaheim, California.
Tagged abide in God, deny the self, John, Lamb of God, newness of spirit, Psalms, resurrection, Romans, soul-life, temple, walk in newness of life
Posted by Don on February 12, 2025