Look Who’s the Porn Industry’s Biggest Customer

    From Pornography Use Among Christians Reaches an All Time High:

    “Pornography use among Christians, including pastors, has now surpassed the national average for Americans in general and this rise is doing so largely unchecked,” Liberty Counsel reported. “New data suggests a majority of Christian men and a rising percentage of Christian women view pornography occasionally, while a majority of pastors have struggled with porn use at some point in their lives. Currently, 61% of U.S. adults report viewing porn. A study from Barna and Pure Desire Ministries found that “75 percent of Christian men and 40 percent of Christian women view pornography on some level.”

    When Christians watch more porn than the outside world we’ve got a moral crisis on our hands that should have every ministry leader reacting with a sense of urgency. Without holiness, the church is a social club of really nice, soft, comfortable people.


    This chart shows where 21st century man connects with others:

    This is the fruit of a performance-driven church where everyone sits, watches and goes home. An isolated believer is exposed and vulnerable to loneliness, depression, and a host of sins. We could turn this around immediately if churches would break everyone up to share and pray for each for 20 minutes in their weekend services. The early church modeled being “devoted to God’s word, prayer, and fellowship.” We’re miles away from being devoted to these 3.


    With the time we spend watching TV and gazing at our smartphone and other electronic devices, we’re spending a whopping 6.75 hours per day in front of a screen – 2,483 hours a year. That doesn’t include time spent in other forms of entertainment such as sporting events or at movie theaters.

    Yet many Christians say they’re too busy for an hour with God every day.

    Which brings us back to the narrow path, the hard road.
    The way of the Rogue Christian.

    Which is to consistently share and pray with a tribe of other believers, soak in God’s word every day, decrease the time spent fondling a screen, minimize the distractions and pleasures of this world, keep short accounts with sin, fire up our prayer life, eschew status-quo Christianity for the rogue (Biblical) way, and pour our lives out until the end.


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