Marriage is a picture of God’s commitment and covenant toward us; His commitment to you is forever! God went all-in to seal a partnership with us! So much so that He gave his one and only Son, Jesus, on the cross! With Jesus' death and resurrection, He purchased our salvation and established this covenant, and nothing in heaven or earth can break and stop His love toward us. You can be confident that God won’t abandon or leave you for someone else. His covenant with you stands forever! In the same way, marriage is to be a reflection of that covenant and commitment. No matter what comes your way, be fully committed to giving all for each other.

Marriage is also a perfector. There’s something powerful about the two becoming one. The process of learning to serve each other and laying down your life for each other is often painful but beautiful in its results. For a marriage to work and be great requires that you each grow. See marriage as a tool God uses to shape you into the masterpiece that He designed you to be. You will create beautiful music together, but the sparks will also fly as you clash! Don’t be afraid of the sparks of iron sharpening iron; it’s how you get better.

This is why the devil is constantly working to destroy the covenant of marriage. He’s trying to destroy the earthly picture of God’s love and covenant, and he’s trying to rob couples and families of the powerful design of marriage. If you’re facing tension and stress in your marriage, that doesn’t mean something is broken but that something is working; God is working on you through your marriage.

More on marriage in our book, 12 Marriage Safeguards.