Money, the root of all evil

Money, the root of all evil

Posted on September 22, 2021 Updated on September 21, 2021

Money, the root of all evil

By Babatope Babalobi +234 80 35 897435

Save the World Christian ministry

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Psalm 26

ArtStation - Psalms 26:9-10, KJV Bible Quotes

  1. Money is good and the Bible itself says money answereth all things.
  2. Everyone goes out in the morning to look for money.
  3. But the Bible wants us to run away from blood money; which means we must not get money anyhow.
  4. What is blood money? The Bible says in Psalm 26 vs 9 & 10 that blood money is any money you get by shedding the blood of others.
  5. Psalm 26 vs 9 & 10 says there are some bloody men which hands are filled with mischief and bribe.
  6. The meaning of this is that any money got through manipulation, shedding human or animal blood, or through illegitimate acts is blood money.
  7. David prayed in Psalm 26 vs 10 that God should make him a man of integrity.
  8. Make this your desire to be a man of integrity.

By Babatope Babalobi +234 80 35 897435

Save the World Christian ministry

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This entry was posted in Christianity and tagged Christianity, evil, Money, psalm, vanity.

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