Mr. Trump, didn’t you want another child after Baron?

    “My body, my choice.” — Melania Trump in the above clip.  

    An imaginary interview

    [The answers by the interviewee between single quotation marks.]

    Mr. Trump, there’ve been some reports that after Baron, you would have liked another child, but your wife disagreed. Why did her opinion prevail?

    ‘I think this is kind of a private question, an issue between the parents. Not that I have a problem answering you, but it is kind of private, no?’

    Yes, but why did Melania win? What should the law say about this?

    ‘I don’t think the law should interfere. Parents decide in freedom.’

    That is what most citizens say—that one more child is no one’s business. Were you angry and disappointed when she said no?

    ‘Well, look at Baron. Who wouldn’t want a second one like that? But I respect Melania a lot. This is not like going shopping. If she says it’s enough, we should respect that, I think.’

    Well, we understand that your wife also thinks like that about abortion, that when a woman says no, it’s no—that the State on no level should interfere with that. It’s a private matter between her and her physician.

    ‘Well, I think that women are very happy that this will be decided on a State—not a Federal level. Not every State thinks the same about this.’

    We just said it’s none of any State’s business. You appointed three new Justices to the Supreme Court who lied in their confirmation hearings they wouldn’t upset the Law of the Land, a 51-year-old status quo, and leave abortion to the gravida. But they lied. Many feel back in the Middle Ages.

    ‘I’m confident that it will all work out very well for all women very soon.’

    Well, at the moment, abortion rights were cut away for millions of women as if they never existed. Many ask, What will happen with Gay rights? Segregation? Is now everything up for sale? Where’s the respect for rights?

    ‘I think it’s all very much exaggerated by the left-wing media to cover up that the radical, incompetent, crazy, present Kamala administration made a mess of the border, the economy, the cities, and even world security.’

    These are all important, but where is the respect for individual rights?

    ‘I think, we both had our say. Nice talking to you. See you after the vote.’


    The Times of Israel blog editors (three of them!) claimed they could not understand this so rejected it.

    A tree is known by its fruit. Only this tree has quite a variety of produce, so please don't judge the trunk after one helping.

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