My Statement on John MacArthur

(Photo: Unsplash)

By Elizabeth Prata

I have benefited from the work of John MacArthur on behalf of Jesus Christ for 20 years. I’ve listened to his sermons going back 50 years. I’ve taken classes from the Institute for Church Leadership arm of The Master’s Seminary, and & members of our church have personally attended the seminary as well. His work is of the Lord, solid, and biblical.

So, my support of John MacArthur isn’t blind. It isn’t worship. It’s support, for a man who’s done more in this century and last for the Christ’s name than any other man I can think of. I’m not throwing that away cuz some God-hating feminist comes along waving papers, no.

If properly interpreted evidence arises from a reliable source I will say ‘there but for the grace of God go I’, pray for him and examine any evidence fairly. Till then, I’m not throwing away my appreciation for John MacArthur. I praise God that Jesus raised him up to do God’s work.

Christian writer and Georgia teacher’s aide who loves Jesus, a quiet life, art, beauty, and children.
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