Mystery of Praising and Worshiping to God

Mystery of Praising and Worshiping to God

Posted on May 27, 2014


Memorise: “This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief” (1 Tim 1:15)Read: Acts 19:11-12

praiseA woman once came to the church some years ago. She had been battling with vomiting. Medical doctors had done their best but she could not stop vomiting. After she had spent all she had, somebody invited her to our service and she came. Nobody prayed specially for her.While ministering, the man of God was led to ask those trusting God for a miracle to shout a loud Halleluyah. She was more desperate than others so her Halleluyah was louder. Immediately, a big worm jumped out of her mouth and that was the end of her vomiting!

There is power in shouting Halleluyah. A shout of Halleluyah pulled down Jericho’s walls. A shout of Halleluyah will deliver your victory on a platter of gold. Now, let somebody shout Halleluyah!I have lived along the expressway since 1984. Until then, there were at least three or four robberies daily but God has protected me ever since. When we say, Let God arise and His enemies be scattered, first ask yourself if you are His friend or enemy. Malachi 3:6 says God does not change. He does not change in character, power, desires, or plan. If you used to be His enemy and decide to be His friend, He will receive you like He received Saul of Tarsus.

God took a chief sinner and made him an apostle of apostles (1 Tim 1:15). He was so empowered to the point of casting out demons by the use of his handkerchiefs. This is the beauty of Christianity. No matter how terrible you have been, if you can come to Jesus, He will not only receive you but will make something praise worthy of your life. If you have ever told a lie, you are an enemy of God. If you ever stole a piece of meat from your mother’s pot or money from under her pillow or bag, you are an enemy. If you do not pay your tithe even after you have received Christ into your heart, you are His enemy. You have to repent and make right your crooked ways today so that God will not consume you when He arises! God is still in the business of beautifying erstwhile rebels!

Ask God to be with the leadership of this nation at every level – federal, state and local government. Pray that every root of corruption will be destroyed.        

By Pastor Enoch Adeboye

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This entry was posted in Christianity and tagged Babatope Babalobi, Bible, Bible study, christian prayers, Devotionals, financial breakthroughs, God, good news, Holiness, Jesus, praise and worship, Prayers, Religion, Save the World, worshipping God.

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