Our Platform Spreading Good News

Our Platform Spreading Good News

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Our source of infinite love is our heavenly Father, who created and sustained us, and each day, we grow in our knowledge, love, and worship of Him. The earth groans beneath baroque invention, distressed by abuse as mankind roils as a choppy sea.

We quiver when we think of life’s approaching end as fissures yawn to swallow us up and thieves eye our meager treasure hungrily. Our heavenly Father knows our names and all our ways.

We need to ask God to give us the peace our hearts crave and take us fully into His kingdom. We need to ask Him to help us to disappear into His infinity and also dip our battered spoons into the ocean of His love so that we may emerge reconstructed.

We need to let God know that we love Him and long to love Him more. God controls the comings and goings of all things and is the beginning and the end. We need to ask God to help us follow Him in happy times as we know we must in the blast of the storm and to give us peace so that we may feel secure as we strive to do His will in the turmoil of life.

“Tremble, and do not sin; Meditate in your heart upon your bed, and be still,” Psalm 4:4

At House of Mercy Christian Assembly, we help you connect to God and achieve everlasting peace through daily prayer and meditation.

The seat of our trust and hope, as well as, our most closely held values base around Christ. As we develop our connection with God, we grow in wisdom and love as it brings purpose and meaning to our lives.

We experience a sense of connection to all of life, a deep reverence for Christ, and a sense of awe. Moments of spontaneous worship and prayers of gratitude move us. A life of trust and service is what God calls us to.

We connect when our our spiritual life is vibrant and well nurtured. Extending love to all the people and things that inhabit the planet we live in and to our Creator and our heavenly Father: God is what this connection means. By expanding our hearts with compassion toward all the divine connections takes us beyond our ego-centered lives.

“But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in His law, he meditates day and night,” Psalm 1:2.

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