Podcast: Depression, Anxiety, and Identity an Interview with Dr. Michelle Bengtson, Christian Author and Neuropsychologist

Do you ever feel anxious, depressed, or stressed about life to the point where you don’t know what to do about it?

In this episode of Compared to Who? the podcast, Heather Creekmore interviews neurospychologist and author, Dr. Michelle Bengtson on body image, depression, anxiety, and identity. Find out how it’s identity issues that are central to all of these struggles and hear Dr. B give a prescription for hope!

Here are just a few of the topics discussed in this episode:

  • How identity is often a core issue for those who struggle with depression and anxiety.
  • What God showed Michelle (Dr. Bengtson) about her personal struggle with identity, comparison, and body image.
  • What to do when you feel the anxious thoughts rush in and start spiraling!
  • What to do if you feel depressed, even depressed about your body and the way it looks.
  • How to find the spiritual root of depression and anxiety so you can find peace and joy again!
  • Learn how depression, anxiety, and identity don’t have to control your life!
  • And so much more!!!

Dr. Bengtson studied neuroscience for decades, becoming board certified in clinical neuropsychology, earning awards for her doctoral research, and establishing her own clinical practice. From her practice and personal life she recognized a deep lack of understanding within the church and society of the call to “renew our minds” and the transformational effects a robust understanding of this has on our physical and mental health, and on our outlook.

Read Michelle Bengtson’s books: Hope Prevails: Insights from a Doctor’s Journey Through Depression or Breaking Anxiety’s Grip.

Listen here on ITunes  or Google Play or Stitcher.

Learn more about Dr. Michelle Bengtson here:

Dr. Bengtson lives to break the grip of anxiety and fear, foster regeneration, and renew life in her listeners. From her own personal experience and professional expertise she unpacks the words of John 10:10 recognizing in her life and others’ the brokenness that attends life, but also the concrete steps we can take as we walk with Christ through the thin places of life.

Dr. Bengtson authored the award winning “Hope Prevails: Insights from a Doctor’s Personal Journey Through Depression” and its companion Bible study. Her latest book “Breaking Anxiety’s Grip: How to Reclaim the Peace God Promises” released in September 2019. She blogs at DrMichelleB.com and maintains a Monday morning radio show at GraceandTruthRadio.world called “Your Hope Filled Perspective with Dr. Michelle Bengtson” and is available as a podcast via Itunes, google play, Stitcher, and Spotify. She is a frequent guest on Fox News Radio and speaks at conferences and churches internationally. Follow her on Facebook or Twitter or Pinterest or Instagram or subscribe to her You Tube Channel here. For more, find her at www.DrMichelleBengtson.com  or listen to her radio show here.

To support the ministry, donate to: https://give.cornerstone.cc/GraceAndTruthRadio and list “Your Hope-Filled Perspective with Dr. Michelle Bengtson” with your tax-deductible donation.

Dr. Michelle Bengtson anxiety, depression, body image compared to who

So…you want to hear more? Listen to Michelle and Heather Creekmore’s discussion of body image and comparison from Dr. Bengtson’s radio show, here.

Christian podcast about anxiety and depression

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