Possessing Your Promise – How To Activate God’s Favor In Your Business (& Life)

Uncategorized Aug 31, 2021

Possessing Your Promise – How To Activate God’s Favor In Your Business (& Life)

I truly believe that we are all created with a purpose in mind.  And a promise that is already ours.  

We just need to possess it.

It reminds me of the Israelites and their own journey to the Promised Land.  The Land was already promised to them; it was theirs - they just had to take the journey to possess what had been promised to them.

A key lesson here is that they had to take action in order to possess their promise; the promise doesn't automatically come to you.  You have to go get it!

One of the most effective uses of your time, energy and resources is to use those things to fulfill God’s purpose in your life. But before you can reach that fulfillment and possess your promise, many radical shifts must occur. 

These shifts will help you turn from your own desires and walk in God’s calling and favor for your life. Christian business owners especially must take time to discern the purpose and calling for their entrepreneurial efforts.

Below are four important shifts that need to take place in your life. These things will help you fulfill God’s purpose and possess your promise.

  1. Activate your compelling vision.

Before you can fulfill God’s purpose in your life, you have to have faith that He has a purpose and calling for your life. This includes God’s purpose for your business as well as His desires for all the other hats you wear (mom, wife, volunteer, etc.).

When you align yourself with God’s will, you activate your purpose and live by the vision He’s given you. Activating your compelling vision means stepping out in faith in every area of your life.

Faith is an internal belief demonstrated by obedient action. Even when you don’t see the next step, God still calls us to take a step of faith into the unknown. 

It’s hard to follow God’s plan when you don’t know what He’s calling you to do. Understanding the call on your life takes time. You almost always find clues about this calling throughout your entire life. My KingdomMBA course can help you unlock God’s calling on your life so you can activate your compelling vision.  

It is one of the modules we work through in the curriculum. And it helps you get clarity on what exactly your next step(s) should be if you are someone who knows that you are called for more than your current job but just aren't sure exactly what your calling is or how to even start! Even if you think you have that figured out, it helps to review and identify other ways you can incorporate and fulfill your purpose within your existing business.

  1. Believe the call is from the Lord. 

You must have a positive expectation that God will provide and look favorably on your business. If He has called you to it, He will get you through it.

Trusting God to take care of your business requires daily time abiding in Him. If you aren’t spending time in prayer and reading Scripture, you’ll be deaf to God’s guiding voice in your life. He desires to direct your steps daily, so daily time with Him is a non-negotiable key to your success.

King David is known in Scripture as a “man after God’s own heart.” He had faults, like all of us do. But he had a deep desire to seek God’s will in all things. When facing Goliath, David was assured that God was with him. In faith, he stepped out to face the giant and came out victorious. 

David continuously nurtured his relationship with God. When David wasn’t following God’s voice or spending time in worship, we see him making colossal mistakes. If God has called you to build your business, you need continued relationship with Him to navigate the ups and downs of being an entrepreneur.

  1. Create a plan in partnership with God.

When God calls you to create a business, it doesn’t make sense to ignore His direction along the way. If God has called you to it, He will provide you the guidance necessary to run your business in a way that’s pleasing to Him and profitable to you. 

All too often, we make our own plans and then ask God to bless them. Unfortunately, we get this backward. Instead, we must allow God to make our plans. Under His guidance, we can rest assured that He will bless the plan He has made.

Psalm 37: 4 says  to 'delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart'

What this verse is actually saying is that when we pursue the Heart and Will of God (and delight in knowing Him and His ways), He gives us desires that are aligned to His will, and desires that point us to the direction we seek.

Give every aspect of your business over to God. When you partner with Him, He will continue to order your steps. Whether you’re making a big decision or navigating the daily challenges of running a business, allow God complete control of every aspect of your business (and your life). 

Does this mean everything will be easy? Absolutely not! But when we work from a place of FLOW and grace, we can expect God to get us through the difficult times. We can learn to lean on Him and walk by faith, not sight. With His strength, we can fight through any challenge.

  1. Take consistent obedient action.

Once you partner with God and put a plan in place, you must take consistent actions in faith. No big project is completed in a day. Nor will your business become a success overnight. It takes consistent, obedient action to ensure that you’re always in alignment with God’s will.

When Solomon made plans for God’s temple, the construction didn’t happen overnight. He made plans that included hiring architects and artisans. Even with a great plan and great people, the temple took about seven years to build! It was built because of the faithful and consistent action of all working on the project.

When you’re taking daily action in accordance to God’s plans for your life, your success is inevitable. There is no way that God’s will is not going to happen. He cannot fail. And if He has called you to something, He will provide the resources you need to do it. 

Faith, when paired with faithful obedience, releases God’s favor over our lives and our business. When God is truly your business partner, your business can overcome any obstacle.


The main reason I created my My KingdomMBA group coaching program was to help other moms truly thrive in business AND at home.  

In order to thrive in business AND at home, you need to be operating a business that is the one you are called to serve.  That is the foundation of success in your business - actually operating a business that you are called to and one that leverages your unique skills, talents, personality, strengths and most importantly your purpose.  That is usually at the root of the lack of success and/or fulfillment from our business.  

Once you have discerned what business you’re called to open, you need to then craft a solid plan for success.  A plan that includes a deep understanding of the fundamentals needed for business success and a plan that incorporates working from a place of ease and grace as a result of partnership with God.

I like to say that partnering with God is the “easy button,” a supernatural advantage that Believers in business have. He can open doors that no person or thing can open or close.

And finally, the other component for a successful business and life is your home life and the support, peace, happiness and fulfillment you experience there.

These are all the components - and more - that you will cover in my KingdomMBA coaching program.  If you’re interested in learning more about my group coaching program designed to help you discern God’s will for your life, and establish your business and home to thrive accordingly, then DM 'Kingdom MBA info' to me on my instagram page and I will send you more details!  I am working on something that I cannot wait to share more on soon! DM me here.


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