Prayers: How to experience divine promotion

Prayers: How to experience divine promotion

Posted on February 10, 2013 Updated on February 5, 2013

Esther 6 vs 1-10

  1. God is the lifter of men, and the promotion of the children of God will only occur by divine arrangement. Christians have to clearly understand these principles that they don’t need to struggle in order to get promoted.
  1. My church declared this year as the year of enthronement, but you need to understand that your enthronement is going to be arranged by God, He’s the one that will pull you up.
  1. In Esther 6 vs. 1, it is written that the King could not sleep until the record of Chronicles was brought before him where he saw that Mordecai was yet to be honoured for a favour he has done for the King. Eventually, the King sent for Mordecai, and commanded Haman his arch enemy to honour him, and the King appointed Mordecai who was a gate man as the Prime Minister of the land.

I pray for somebody reading this message that your helper will not sleep until he has helped you.

  1.  In Genesis chapter 41 vs. 1, we read that King Pharaoh dreamt and it was only Joseph that could interpret the dream. King Pharaoh sent for Joseph who was in the dungeon and after Joseph interpreted the dream by the Spirit of God, King Pharaoh promoted Joseph who was a prisoner; he promoted him as the Prime Minister of Egypt.

I pray for somebody reading this message that a King will have a problem which only you can solve, and that shall be the course for your promotion in Jesus name.

  1. In Daniel chapter 2 vs. 1, we read that Nebuchadnezzar dreamt and he was struggled because none of his magicians could interpret it. Eventually, he sent for Daniel who was able to interpret the dream by the Spirit of God,  on the account of this, King Nebuchadnezzar promoted Daniel and made him the Prime Minister of Babylon.

I pray for somebody reading this message that the heart of a King shall be troubled because of a problem, and you will be the only person who will be able to solve that problem which will result to your promotion in Jesus name.

  1. We read in 1Samuel chapter 16 vs. 15 that an evil spirit from the Lord troubled King Saul and he sent for David to come and play a musical instrument in his presence in order to send the evil spirit away. As a result of the evil spirit that troubled King Saul, David the sheep boy was brought to the presence of a King.

I pray for somebody reading this message that God will give you a skill and a gift that will take you to places in Jesus name. It was because David was in the presence of Saul that he was able to step forward when he heard Goliath was mocking the Israelite and successfully lead the Israelites against their enemies. This brought him fame and took him to the throne as King of Israel.

I pray that your skill shall give you a sit in the palace in Jesus name.

  1. In Esther chapter 6 vs. 1, the King could not sleep. In Genesis 41:1 the King Pharaoh  dreamt, in Daniel 2:1  King  Nebuchadnezzar dreamt and in 1Samuel 16:15 the heart of  King Saul was troubled. All these were orchestrated by God in order to promote his people.
  1. As you serve God and hold on to him, God will cause someone to have a problem which only you can solve, and this shall be the pedestal for your promotion in Jesus name.

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This entry was posted in Babatope Babalobi and tagged babalobi, Babatope Babalobi, Bible study, Christian, christian prayers, Christianity, deliverance prayers, Devotionals, divine promotion, financial breakthroughs, God, Jesus, Prayers, prayers for divine promotion, Religion, Success.

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