Reflecting the Creator’s Beauty

(Photo: Pexels)

Few things equal the magnificence of the reawakening of a spring garden. Though many of the same plants return year after year, each year reveals its own loveliness. Reflecting the Creator’s beauty, the intricacies of individual flowers amaze me with new facets of God’s glory.

The hands which formed the rugged mountains and carved out valleys, lovingly molded the delicate petals of the iris to reflect the manifold exquisiteness of his nature.

Welcome back to the garden for a time of Garden Grace, where we allow God to reveal Himself through His creation. Once a month we linger together gleaning all He has for us through the beauty of plants, trees, animals and insects. I can’t wait to share my most recent discovery with you!

no random beauty

Stumbling across this lovely poem recently, it drew me in, igniting a new appreciation for the Joy inherent in the way the spring flowers reflect the Creator’s beauty.

Awestruck By the Sight by Catherine Pulsifer

Walking through a garden,
I am awestruck by the sight,
The beauty here is unmatched,
And I bask in its light.

The colors are so vibrant,
And the flora abound,
Each petal perfect and shining;
It’s breathtaking to gaze around.

Tall trees extend to the sky
Like reaching hands up on high;
It’s a sampling of heaven down here on earth –
Amazing to the eye.

I’m reminded that this beauty
Isn’t by random chance:
God’s creativity has created
This garden of grand splendor at glance!

personal floral photos of author

the creator’s beauty

Never weary of watching our gardens awake from a long winter’s slumber, I eagerly check each one for new arrivals, and freshly opened blossoms.

My curiosity rejoices in the myriad colors, textures, and intricate detail of petal designs reflecting the Creator’s beauty and craftsmanship.

“And why do you worry about clothes? See how the flowers of the field grow. They do not labor or spin. Yet I tell you that not even Solomon in all his splendor was dressed like one of these. “

Matthew 6:28-29

While the magnificence of each blossom shines forth in physical beauty, as I lingered in closer examination, the beauty of Gods wisdom, design, and exquisite attention to detail left me awestruck.

Imagining God to be incredibly beautiful in appearance, His loveliness goes much deeper. As the heavens declare His magnificent glory, (Psalm 19:1) the quiet splendor and intricacy of my garden blossoms speak of a wise, gentle, and loving Creator.

personal floral photos of author

reflecting the creator’s beauty

As I enjoyed the many facets of the Creator’s beauty within my gardens, another thought captured my mind. In the same way the exquisite loveliness of the garden flowers reflects God’s beauty, we, as image bearers showcase His beauty!

God created each of us uniquely to show forth His magnificence to those around us.

Yet, unlike the garden flowers who radiate Joy exactly as they were created, we often desire to look like someone else or even “be” someone else.

Uniquely created and gifted, each one of us has a special purpose in God’s Kingdom only we can fulfill. Reflecting the Creator’s beauty, wisdom, and love through our individual gifting and purpose, we shine God’s glory in a way no one else can.

How will you radiate the Creator’s beauty today?

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