Refuse To Be The Forever Girlfriend!

Especially, refuse to be a forever girlfriend if you want to be married. Have you ever met women who desire to get married but remain men’s girlfriends chronically, because their boyfriends won’t marry them?

How about women who truly desired marriage but changed their stances on it when their men said, “Marriage is just a piece of paper?”

Ever met a lady who was willing to play house and give husband benefits outside of marriage in order to keep a man who wouldn’t marry her?

What do these scenarios all have in common? Women who are willing to settle.

These scenarios are common and are a primary reason many women remain as chronic girlfriends. Nowadays, a lot of women have given up on the idea of  healthy marriages and find it easier to be chronic girlfriends.

They give husband benefits and create families with men who do not marry them. I am not sure how that’s supposedly better than getting married, since in marriage there are legal protections in place, in case of abandonment and things going south otherwise.

With women offering themselves up without requiring commitment from men, is it a surprise so many men do not want to get married nowadays? Plenty women continue not to require it in many cases.

Is it a surprise that a lot of men are lousy fathers when many women will abort their children to give themselves and the fathers tickets out of responsibility?

Is it a surprise a lot of men are not responsible fathers when they can just impregnate women and walk off?

Little girls used to dream from young ages of getting married and having families. Now, many women say they don’t care about marriage and they give men husband benefits like sex and setting up house with them without requiring marriage.

For a man to become a real man, getting married and remaining faithful to his wife are some of the greatest things he can ever do to accomplish true manhood.

Some women complain about and are depressed about the slim pickings when it comes to men who are marriage material, but how much are ladies contributing to the dire situation?

A reminder that when it comes to goods- when demand goes up, supply goes up. When demand goes down, supply goes down.

As ladies, we should remember that we inspire men in different ways. If our demands are low, supply will be low among men.

One reason for this is people tend to choose the easy way out as long as there’s no pressure on them to do better.

Could it be that many women have had such low bars for so long that it has helped to lead to a deficit of men of integrity willing to commit to, love, marry and be faithful to one woman? Just some food for thought.

Women are not responsible for men’s behaviors, but women are responsible for our own behaviors and we are responsible for how we influence men.

As I always say, influencing men by our own good behaviors and not reinforcing and rewarding any of the men’s bad behaviors and irresponsibility is very important.

Many women continue to give men tickets out of true manhood by settling and not requiring of men what God requires of them. 

Christians understand God’s requirement for a man and a woman to be married before having sex. So Christians should follow His design. This means not being chronic girlfriends, having sex with men who have not married them.

For non-Christians, you likely also realize that something is very wrong and broken in many relationships. If doing things one particular way is not working and has not been working, it is a good idea to use wisdom and knowledge in trying a new way of doing things.

God’s design and command is that sex is meant for one man and one woman who are already married. His design is not forever boyfriends and girlfriends.

Related Bible Verse:

Now concerning the things of which you wrote to me:

It is good for a man not to touch a woman. Nevertheless, because of sexual immorality, let each man have his own wife, and let each woman have her own husband.  1 Corinthians 7 :1-2 NKJV

Wisdom in choosing a spouse is always necessary

For wisdom is better than rubies,
And all the things one may desire cannot be compared with her. Proverbs 8: 11 NKJV


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