Repentance should be the primary message of the Church.

 By Babatope Babalobi +234 80 35 897435

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Matthew 3 vs 2 And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of Heaven is at hand.

  1. John the Baptist was the first preacher in the New Testament.
  2. The first sermon of John the Baptist is on repentance and salvation.
  3. That means the primary message of the Church should be repentance and salvation.Sermons | New Hope Church
  4. Unfortunately, the message of salvation has entirely disappeared from many altars.
  5. The message of salvation is now replaced with the message of prosperity and breakthrough.
  6. John the Baptist did not introduce the Gospel with the message of financial breakthroughs.
  7. Anywhere the Gospel is preached, the primary message should be the message of salvation.

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