Recently, Mrs. DM has been listening to the podcast “The Rise and Fall of Mars Hill Church.

This podcast was created by Mike Cosper of Christianity Today in 2021. It chronicles the story of Mars Hill Church of Seattle and its demise. In particular, the podcast focuses on the main figure of that story–namely, Mark Driscoll.

I have poignant feelings about this subject matter. My story intersected with this church via my former in-laws who were members of this church towards its ending.

This church was infamous for church discipline and shunning of people they deemed “in sin.” They had a very sick theology of sex, and Driscoll was/is a “shock jock” sort of preacher.

I experienced some of the MHC-style spiritual abuse from my former father-in-law who attempted to put me under “church discipline” with a lie filled discipline letter. This letter was issued to me despite the fact I was not part of his church or under his authority. The irony was that his daughter was cheating on me when he issued said letter.  In sum, I have some scars related to Mars Hill Church from that season, and that is just one example.

Now, a decade plus removed from those years, I have some perspective on my experiences with MHC.

I am struck about how the church and teaching was shame-based and worldly at its core.

Driscoll is known for mocking and belittling people from the pulpit. This dehumanizing behavior was utilized to gather crowds and “motivate” young men to “man up.” It was a weaponization of shame to control behavior of young men who wanted to be known as “real men.” (Plus, I am not even mentioning all the misogynistic stuff that was going on as well.)

It should not come as a surprise that the fruit of such teaching was destruction. Sowing shame and fear leads to a harvest of thorns and thistles.

Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows. Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction; whoever sows to please the Spirit, from the Spirit will reap eternal life.

-Galatians 6:7-8, NIV